Fixed income and OTC derivatives

4 articles tagged with this keyword

/Fixed income and OTC derivatives

The shadow of OTC derivatives reform

Chris Ekonomidis, director at Sapient, talks about how reform will affect trade finance and workflows at Sibos 2011.

/Fixed income and OTC derivatives

Redefining post trade processing through Flexibility and Control

Richard Cummings, EVP at SmartStream, discusses how regulation is acting as a catalyst for the move towards intra-day management to deliver greater efficiency and control across post-trade operations. He explains how this will impact cash and liquidity management, managing reference data and the challenge represented by increased OTC derivatives volumes.

/Fixed income and OTC derivatives

State of world

HSBC weigh in on OTC regulations and the impact of AIFMD.

/Fixed income and OTC derivatives

Automating exchange traded derivatives

Philippe Chambadal of SmartStream discusses the cost and risk implications of inefficient ETD processing.