
10 articles tagged with this keyword


Fintech solving fundamental problem

Vikas Raj, Managing Director, Venture Lab, Accion, discusses innovations in emerging markets around the use of alternative and new data for credit scoring, and explores the role of fintechs in solving the ‘information asymmetry’ problem that leaves some 3 billion individuals and small businesses around the world without the financial services they need, by giving incumbent banks the data and infrastructure to serve these segments better.


Critical time for corporate onboarding

Tom Durkin, Managing Director, Digital Channels, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, discusses the pitfalls of the corporate bank onboarding process for both customers and banks, and how technology has the potential to improve the process.


Filling the gaps in financial crime compliance

Matthew Long, Financial Crime and GRC Management Global Solution Lead, Oracle and Michael Davison, Industry Principal, Financial Services, Atos, discuss the growing challenge for banks of meeting their financial crime and compliance obligations – such as the requirements of the 4th AML Directive - and explore the industry’s response, including efforts to achieve a holistic view of risks by centralising investigation management operations, the focus on better utilising big data and analytics for compliance, and the increasing relevance of hosted solutions to ensure players of all sizes and complexity can comply in a cost efficient way.


The digital bank of the future

Oracle provides an insight into the new approach required for banking in a digital age.


Billing and revenue management trends

Hubert JP Jolly, Head of Channel & Enterprise Services, Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions talks about the demand for real-time payments and centralised oversight with revenue and billing management.


The drive to digital banking

Brett King, CEO and Founder of Moven, explains the personnel shift required to drive a bank's digital strategy and the importance of mobile.


The true view of risk

Subin Paul, solutions architect at Oracle, examines why many banks still struggle to find a true, enterprise-wide view of risk.


Mobile payments: Sibos's holy grail?

Tushar Chitra, senior director, product marketing at Flexcube, Oracle, discusses where mobile technology is headed, the retail ecosystem and mobile payments. Originally published on on:


The challenges of global transaction banks

Saket Pabby, VP, Oracle revenue management and billing, discusses the challenges facing global transaction banks and how analytics is shaping transaction banking.


Brown Brothers Harriman empowers mobile

US investment bank Brown Brothers Harriman expects to have abandoned traditional desktop computing within two years as employees move to mobile working, says CIO and partner Christopher Remondi.