Online banking

523 articles tagged with this keyword

/Online banking

Bank branch reform key to retail banking recovery - A T Kearney

Retail banks across Europe need to rethink their business models, in particular the role of the branch network, if they are to return to pre-crisis levels of profitability says consultancy A T Kearney.

/Online banking

Nutmeg introduces private banking for regular people

Nutmeg, an online investment manager promising to offer private banking-type services for everyone, has launched in the UK.

/Online banking

Internet overtakes branch as channel of choice for Australians

Internet banking has overtaken branch visits as the preferred access channel for banking services in Australia, according to a 'state of the nation' study by Roy Morgan Research.

/Online banking

Lloyds Banking Group and Co-op customers hit by systems glitches

Large numbers of Brits have been unable to access their accounts online and withdraw cash from ATMs after separate systems problems at Lloyds Banking Group and the Co-operative Bank.

/Online banking

Cyber gang plots coordinated Trojan attack on 30 US banks - RSA

A cybergang is planning a blitzkrieg-like series of Trojan attacks against 30 American banks this autumn, according to security vendor RSA.

/Online banking

ANZ to invest $1.5 billion in channel overhaul

ANZ has unveiled plans for a $1.5 billion tech investment programme to overhaul its branch-based and digital distribution channels, including the roll-out of in-branch videoconferencing and new mobile banking and payments services.

/Online banking

Noor Islamic Bank opens 'bank of the future' competition

Dubai's Noor Islamic Bank has launched an online 'bank of the future' contest offering a $20,000 prize for the most innovative idea for improving customer service standards at the five-year old bank.

/Online banking

The Netherlands gets new direct bank

A new online and mobile-centric bank, called Knab, has launched in the Netherlands, promising to use social media tools and technology to offer a more transparent and personalised service.

/Online banking

M&S launches current account; plans more branches

UK retail giant Marks & Spencer has stepped up its banking operations, launching a current account and promising to open up a raft of new in-store branches by the end of the year.

/Online banking

Card and online banking fraud losses on the rise in UK

Losses from UK card and online banking fraud both increased during the first half of the year as phishing attacks spiked and the criminal fraternity turned to old-school deception cons to trick people into handing over their cards and PINs.

/Online banking

Wells Fargo latest US bank to see Web site disrupted

Wells Fargo has become the latest US bank to see its Web site under cyber-siege, with the group claiming responsibility promising further attacks.

/Online banking

Iran blamed for BofA and Chase site attacks

Iran was behind last week's attacks on the Web sites of Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase, targeting the pair in retaliation for Western economic sanctions, according to US media reports.

/Online banking

Bank branches set to disappear as more customers go online

Ratings agency Fitch is forecasting a decline in US bank branch networks amid ongoing increases in technology use and changing customer behaviors.

/Online banking

US banks on red alert as Chase and BofA sites suffer downtime

Financial institutions in the US are on high alert after JPMorgan Chase became the second big bank to experience outages on its Web site. The downtime at Chase follows an apparent Distributed Denial of Service attack that disrupted the online presence of Bank of America earlier in the week.

/Online banking

Temenos agrees edge IPK acquisition

Core banking vendor Temenos has signed a definitive agreement to buy edge IPK, a provider of user experience platform (UXP) software to the financial services industry. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

/Online banking

Cyber crooks targeting bank employees - FBI

A spate of attacks on US financial institutions has seen criminals obtaining bank employee login details through phishing and keylogging and using the information to wire themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars, the FBI is warning.

/Online banking

La Caixa boosts customer communications with tech overhaul

Spain's la Caixa is introducing a range of online tools designed to make it easier for customers to communicate with its asset managers.

/Online banking

Chinese crooks pre-install malware on PCs

Criminals in China have been infiltrating supply chains and adding counterfeit software embedded with malware to computers, according to Microsoft.

/Online banking

Movenbank brings in tech partners

Handset-centric start-up Movenbank has struck deals with three vendors for the provision of payment, mobile and personal finance management technology.

/Online banking

Developing country lenders drive virtual banking revolution - EIU

A quiet revolution is occurring in the methods and composition of the global banking market as tech-savvy lenders in developing countries grab a major share of the pie, according to an Economist Intelligence Unit report.