
3419 articles tagged with this keyword


Oxford University spin-out targets secure P2P mobile payments

Using security protocols they have been developing for the last 12 years, a group of Oxford University academics are preparing to launch a mobile person-to-person payments app.


Mint PFM platform to track bitcoin transactions

Money management app Mint has struck a deal with Coinbase that will let users view their bitcoin transactions alongside more traditional financial accounts.


Zopa raises £15 million funding

Peer-to-peer lending platform Zopa has raised £15 million in a funding round led by hedge fund Arrowgrass Capital Partners.


Amazon to move into P2P and in-store payments

Amazon is preparing to break out of the confines of its e-commerce site by building a person-to-person payments service and a point-of-sale system based on Kindle tablets for bricks-and mortar retailers.


Barclaycard gets down with the kids in Apps for Good challenge

Barclaycard is supporting the launch of two new apps developed by schoolchildren as part of the UK's Apps for Good education initiative.


GoCardless raises $7m in series b funding

GoCardless, the UK start-up promising to simplify the way firms set up and accept online direct debits, has raised $7 million in a series b funding round led by Balderton Capital.


DeviceFidelity provides NFC sheaths for Isis mobile payments on the iPhone

DeviceFidelity is to provide NFC cases designed to slip over Apple iPhones for use in the telco-backed Isis mobile wallet scheme.


Barclays backs 'Web for Everyone' campaign

Barclays has joined forces with Facebook and tech start-up Free:Formers for a year-long campaign to give people the digital skills needed to make the most of the Web.


BitInstant CEO charged with money laundering over Silk Road scheme

US prosecutors have charged BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem and an accomplice with running a scheme to sell over $1 million in bitcoins to users of the underground Silk Road marketplace.


Wells Fargo and JPMorgan take contrasting stance on bitcoin

Wells Fargo and JPMorgan have highlighted the contrasting views in US banking circles over the future viability of bitcoin, with the former willing to engage and the latter airily dismissing the digital currency as a passing fad.


Umpqua Bank branch named Retail Design Institute store of the year

Bank branches may be going the way of the dodo but one example of this increasingly rare bird drew admiring glances at the Retail Design Institute awards, where Umpqua scooped the store of the year gong for its flagship San Francisco outlet.


EC unveils accelerator to give tech start-ups helping hand

The European Commission has enlisted banks, telcos and universities for a new accelerator programme designed to help tech start-ups scale and take on the giants of Silicon Valley.


IZettle releases SDK for in-app card payments

IZettle has introduced a software development kit that enables merchants to integrates its card payments service directly into their own mobile apps.


Digital currency Ven to be listed on LMAX MTF

FCA-approved multilateral trading facility LMAX has agreed to list Ven, the digital currency created by online community Hub Culture, enabling brokers, banks and institutions to trade the virtual instrument.


Saxo Bank launches social trading community

Denmark's Saxo Bank has unveiled an online social trading community where investors can share and discuss strategies.


Kensho raises $10m to build a Siri-like assistant for capital markets trading

US start-up Kensho has raised $10 million in seed funding to build an "intelligent market research assistant" that will answer complex financial questions asked in natural language.


E-commerce, mobile and contactless driving growth at Visa Europe

Visa Europe says contactless payments uptake is exceeding expectations, with the chip card technology now available in twice as many countries as this time last year, while transactions have nearly tripled and terminals almost doubled.


T-Mobile takes on US banking market

T-Mobile is bidding to shake up the US banking market with a new service which offers current account-style features to the country's millions of underbanked.


AIB taps NFC for Me2U app ad campaign

Mobile contactless payments may be struggling to take off but Allied Irish Bank has found a use for NFC technology, tapping it for an advertising campaign for a new P2P payments service.


Bank notes stamped with QR codes for breaking China's Internet firewall

Anti-censorship campaigners have found a novel way of scaling the Great Firewall of China, printing QR codes on bank notes which when scanned take people to a site where they can download software that bypasses the country's Internet access restrictions.