Trade execution

5333 articles tagged with this keyword

/Trade execution

Asset Match to offer Co-op Bank equity holders share lidiquity

Asset Match, the online marketplace to buy and sell shares in UK unquoted companies, announces today that it will be holding a share auction for Co-operative Bank equity investors.

/Trade execution

Bloomberg launches electronic trading platform in Japan

Bloomberg Tradebook Japan Limited (“Tradebook Japan”) today announced the launch of its Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) in Japan, in support of the September 1 mandate for banks and securities firms to use electronic platforms for specified over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions.

/Trade execution

SunGard apologises for BNY Mellon system glitch

SunGard has issued a public apology to custody bank BNY Mellon for the outage of its InvestOne accounting system used by the bank to price thousands of funds.

/Trade execution

Dark pool lawsuit against Barclays dismissed by US judge

A US district court judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought against Barclays and a number of US exchanges that accused the bank of rigging its dark pool in favour of high frequency traders (HFTs).

/Trade execution

BCT launches cloud network

BCT is taking the cloud to a new level with the launch of its OneCloud network, one of the first cloud gateway services worldwide which provides businesses with secure access to all three leading public cloud solutions - Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and IBM SoftLayer – on one network, using a single connection.

/Trade execution

SunGard system glitch causes havoc for BNY Mellon and US funds market

BNY Mellon and its fund manager clients are scrambling to assess the damage caused after a third party system run by SunGard and used by the bank to value assets worth billions of dollars broke down.

/Trade execution

AcadiaSoft hires Mark Demo as product director

AcadiaSoft Inc., provider of the industry-leading MarginSphere collateral hub, today announced the appointment of Mark Demo as Product Director.

/Trade execution

Buy-side still reliant on manual process for complex derivatives - report

Almost half of asset managers are still reliant on costly manual processes to manage complex derivatives creating a dangerous level of operational risk according to a report from buy-side systems vendor SimCorp.

/Trade execution

REGIS-TR approved as registered reporting machanism for Remit

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) confirmed REGIS-TR’s status as Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) for the reporting of wholesale energy transactions.

/Trade execution

Global Liquidity Partners selects CameronTec Catalys FIX gateway

CameronTec Group, the global standard in financial messaging infrastructure and tools for the Capital Markets industry, today announced Red Bank, NJ based trading technology firm Global Liquidity Partners has selected the Catalys FIX gateway to power its proprietary algorithmic execution and routing services to customers.

/Trade execution

SIX posts H1 operating income rise despite strong Swiss franc

SIX performed well in the first half of 2015. Results improved slightly compared with the previous year.

/Trade execution

Orc connects with Borsa Istanbul for high-speed trading

Orc, the global market leader in electronic trading technology for listed derivatives, today announced certified connectivity to Borsa İstanbul.

/Trade execution

CQG connects to ASX 24 Itch

CQG today announced direct market access to ASX 24 Itch, the Australian Securities Exchange's (ASX's) premium ultra-low latency protocol for accessing ASX 24 markets, which include interest rate futures and options, equity futures and options, agricultural futures and options, and energy futures and options.

/Trade execution

Markit agrees DealHub acquisition

Financial data outfit Markit has agreed to buy DealHub, a provider of trade processing and trading services to the foreign exchange market. Financial terms were not disclosed.

/Trade execution

Companies abandoning their LEIs in increasing number

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) project, whereby every counterparty in a financial transaction is issued a unique code, is suffering from a lapse rate of 20% according to research from entity data provider Alacra.

/Trade execution

Thai Bourse launches new clearing and depository system

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) rolls out its new clearing and depository systems, which are ready to start operation on August 24, 2015.

/Trade execution

CFTC proposes to improve swaps reporting

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) today voted to propose amendments to existing regulations in order to provide additional clarity to swap counterparties and registered entities regarding their reporting obligations for cleared swap transactions; and to improve the efficiency of data collection and maintenance associated with the reporting of the swaps involved in a cleared swap transaction.

/Trade execution

Eze Software rolls out app on iPhone 6

Eze Software Group, a premier provider of global investment technology, has enhanced its mobile offerings with the release of Eze Mobile for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

/Trade execution

SEC fines Citigroup for compliance and surveillance failures

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Citigroup Global Markets has agreed to settle charges that it failed to enforce policies and procedures to prevent and detect securities transactions that could involve the misuse of material, nonpublic information.

/Trade execution

KDPW_CCP and GPW open risk management access platform for clearing members

KDPW_CCP and GPW have opened access to the Risk Management Access (RMA) application for all entities clearing transactions on the exchange.