
680 articles tagged with this keyword


Confidential carbon trading data posted online

A firm providing marketing services for LCH.Clearnet has mistakenly posted confidential carbon emission allowances information online, according to the Financial Times.


FIA calls on lawmakers to rethink clearing house ownership rules

The Futures Industry Association has urged the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission to withdraw or defer acting on rules to limit ownership of clearing houses and swap execution facilities.


LCH.Clearnet rejects ICE bid reports

LCH.Clearnet has refuted an unsourced report in UK broadsheet The Guardian that claimed it had rejected a $400 million bid from InterContinentalExchange.


ECB settles on T2S pricing

The European Central Bank has settled on a delivery-versus-payment price of 15 cents per instruction for the Target 2 Securities system.


Cusip Global Services offers Cabre business entity database for free

Cusip Global Services (CGS) says it will make its new business entity identifier database available for free to users from the beginning of next month.


T2S winning wider industry acceptance

The European Central Bank's (ECB) plan to create a single settlement process for all European securities, Target 2 Securities (T2S), appears to have gained more industry acceptance at last, although significant issues still remain about the eventual cost of the service and its governance.


ECB issues price plan and revised timetable for T2S

The European Central Bank has published its latest pricing proposal for the Target 2 Securities initiative, which sets a tariff for a delivery versus payment (DvP) instruction at 15 cents.


Betfair-backed retail trading platform LMAX launches

LMAX, a Betfair-backed online trading platform for retail contracts for difference (CFD) and foreign exchange investors, has launched.


Omgeo and EuroCCP equities matching and CCP service executes first trade

Omgeo and EuroCCP's pan-European equities central counterparty service for hedge fund transactions has executed its first live trade with Credit Suisse and Citadel.


LSE extends UnaVista to swaps market

The London Stock Exchange has extended its UnaVista service to the swaps market, automating the trading of CFDs and other equity derivatives and enabling users to communicate and match data through the platform.


CFTC calls for cap on stakes in clearing houses and exchanges

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is calling for caps on the ownership stakes members can hold in clearing houses, exchanges and trading systems.


Swift links securities matching system to multiple CCPs

Financial messaging outfit Swift is set to link its securities matching system to a range of central clearing counterparties, including EuroCCP, Six x-clear and LCH.Clearnet, enabling brokers to direct their matched off-exchange trades to a variety of providers.


LSE talking to banks about building clearing house

The London Stock Exchange is in talks with banks on both sides of the Atlantic about funding and building a clearing house, according to press reports.


Citi to pilot XBRL for corporate actions

Citi has signed up to pilot the use of XBRL for corporate actions in a bid to improve straight-through processing in the paper-prone events information market.


EC bids to tame 'wild west territory' of OTC derivatives and short selling

The European Commission is proposing new regulations aimed at improving transparency and safety in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets and tougher controls on short selling and credit default swaps.


Risk control to the fore as European repo market recovery gathers pace

The European repo market has bounced back after the financial crisis and is now bigger than in 2007 while risk management is also to the fore with greater use of central clearing counterparties, according to an ICMA survey.


T2S costs creep up, but business case remains 'robust' says ECB

The European Central Bank has released preliminary figures outlining the fees that will be charged to market participants for using the forthcoming cross-border Target 2 Securities settlement system.


Securities depositories to raise public policy profile

As back office clearing and settlement issues rise up the regulatory agenda, the European Central Securities Depository Association (Ecsda) has moved to appoint its first secretary general and open a permanent office in Brussels, adjacent to the European Commission.


LCH.Clearnet slashes fees as post-trade competition heats up

LCH.Clearnet has moved to slash its fees and eliminate charges for high volume equity traders as it responds to the twin threats of growing competition and customer defections.


Inter-dealer brokers warn of 'monopolistic' risks in new swap clearing rules

US inter-dealer brokers have called on regulators to ensure fair access to newly-created Swap Execution Facilities as the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission meet to discuss governance and conflicts of interest in the clearing and listing of swaps.