
680 articles tagged with this keyword


Swiss clearer targets Asia as European interoperability deals boost volumes

SIX Securities Services is to push for clearing interoperability in Asia after doubling its market share of clearing London Stock Exchange trades following the introduction of similar measures in Europe.


T2S enters make-or-break phase as ECB doles out incentives for participation

The European Central Bank is to offer 'early bird' incentives to central securities depositories that sign up to the Target 2 Securities (T2S) platform, as the controversial project to streamline the Euro area's securities settlements systems reaches a critical make-or-break stage in its development.


BM&FBovespa taps Cinnober for clearing overhaul

Brazilian exchange operator BM&FBovespa has licensed technology from Swedish vendor Cinnober for a major revamp of its clearing operations.


LME appoints Spanner MD, post-trade services

The London Metal Exchange has appointed former EuroCCP COO Trevor Spanner managing director of post-trade services.


BofE's Tucker calls for CCP reform

Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England, says effective resolution regimes need to be put in place to help deal with the "mayhem" that would result if a central counterparty went bust.


OTC clearing rules to spur big tech spending - Tabb

The global regulatory push to centrally clear over-the-counter derivatives has started a "technological revolution" that provides a big opportunity for vendors, according to a report from Tabb Group.


LSE wins race for LCH.Clearnet - Reuters

The London Stock Exchange appears set to beat off competition from Markit to take over LCH.Clearnet after securing backing from the clearer's board for a deal.


Banking heads 'hugely disappointed' by T2S delay

Leading banks have expressed their disappointment at yesterday's news that Target 2 Securities (T2S), the European Central Bank's plan to streamline Europe's securities settlement structure, has been delayed yet again.


ECB calls on recalcitrant CSDs to take efficient approach to T2S integration

The ECB has called on central securities depositories (CSDs) to 'efficiently reshape' their IT infrastructure in order to integrate to the T2S platform, its proposed pan-European settlement service which has encountered further delays amid foot-dragging by CSDs and protracted arguments over costs and pricing.


T2S delayed again

The European Central Bank has once again been forced to push back the deadline for implementation of Target2 Securities, the Eurosystem's ambitious but controversial project to harmonise Europe's securities settlement structure.


Turquoise to offer clearing choice for pan-European equities

London Stock Exchange-owned Turquoise has become the latest European trading platform to offer its customers the choice of four different clearing providers.


LSE confirms talks with LCH.Clearnet

The London Stock Exchange has confirmed that it has made a majority bid for European independent clearing house LCH.Clearnet, opening up a bidding war with post-trade data group Markit.


Regulators seek to plug derivatives data gaps

Global regulators have set out plans for reducing the "data gaps" in OTC derivatives trading that are hitting efforts to assess systemic risk in the market.


Chi-X Europe plans clearing interoperability

Chi-X Europe has become the continent's first trading platform to offer its customers the choice of four different clearing providers.


European Commission probes Nyse Euronext/Deutsche Börse deal

The mega-merger between Nyse Euronext and Deutsche Börse faces an extended investigation by the European Commission amid concerns over the impact of a tie-up on competition in clearing and derivatives trading.


Bats Europe offers traders clearing choice

Bats Europe has launched a 'preferred interoperable' clearing service, enabling traders to choose between three CCPs.


ECB sets T2S framework agreement deadline; UK looks to opt out

The European Central Bank has set an October deadline for its final offer to central security depositories (CSDs) on a framework agreement for the Target2Securities (T2S) system. However, the UK now seems certain to turn its back on the project.


T2S connectivity licences come up for grabs

Europe's central banks have begun the process of picking network service providers for the Target2Securities (T2S) system, with telecoms firms expected to challenge inter-bank co-operative Swift for the two licenses up for grabs.


Dodd-Frank will push 60% of OTC volumes to central clearing

The Dodd-Frank Act will lead to around 60% of current US over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market by volume being cleared centrally, according to Citi.


Swift and DTCC score big data management mandates

Financial messaging network Swift and the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) have won two separate industry data management mandates, for the development of a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) utility and electronic foreign exchange repository.