
549 articles tagged with this keyword


Faster payments are taking over

Craig Saks, Group President, Strategic Products, ACI Worldwide and Paul Stoddart, Managing Director, Strategy, Products, Marketing & Business Development, VocaLink, discuss the faster payments space, and how the industry needs to respond to any challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future.


Blockchain is an enabler, not a disruptor

Gautam Jain, Global Head, Digitisation & Client Access, Transaction banking, Standard Chartered, speaks about how the role of fintech is continuously evolving, and how blockchain can change the industry.


Banking will be a funky place to work in two years

Erik Zingmark, Co-Head of Transaction Banking, and Patrik Havander, Head of Strategy & Communication, Transaction Banking, Nordea, outline the role of digitalisation in banking, how open banking can help financial institutions to stay relevant, and how collaboration with fintechs should be carried out.


Are you ready for the bumpy road of Brexit?

Phil Hussey, Vice President - Industry Strategic Services, UK and Ireland, IBM outlines the impact of a potential Brexit on financial services and how firms should be preparing.


Virtual cash management will be the 2017 buzzword

Dick Oskam, Global Head Sales, Transaction Services, ING, speaks about the key topics that may dominate our conversations next year, and how cash management is changing today.


Data analytics are reducing payments fraud

Jim Wadsworth, Managing Director of Accura – VocaLink’s insights business, discusses how the payments fraud landscape is shifting and how data analytics tools can tackle the challenge.


The app economy accelerates innovation

Simon Paris, President, Misys, describes the app economy and how it can change bank services for corporate customers.


Biometrics future is here already

Guy Wakeley, Chief Executive, Equiniti, outlines where biometrics could help with bank security, and how banks can ensure they have the best solutions.


Cross-border focus for instant payments

George Evers, Head of International Product Development, Immediate Payments, VocaLink, speaks about where cross-border instant payments could go next, and what the key challenges will be.


Banks must see e-wallets as opportunity not threat

Avet Mnatsakanyan, CEO, WebMoney Europe, discusses the improving interactions between banks and e-wallet providers, the fast adoption of e-wallets across Europe and the fact that e-wallets can be the gateway to other services including crowdfunding and escrow services, as well as enabling instant payments


The business model implications of open banking

Vincent Brennan, EBA Deputy Chairman, talks about the new paper on open APIs from the Electronic Alternative Payments Working Group of the Euro Banking Association, which highlights the importance for market players to think strategically about leveraging open banking to source new propositions - and improve distribution of their own - in the post-PSD2 landscape.


IoT demands payments industry standards

Paul Thomalla, Paul Thomalla, Senior Vice President Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, speaks about the Internet of Things and where it could fit into the payments industry.


Open banking: ID verification & collaboration key

Giorgio Ferrero, CEO, and John Broxis, Managing Director, PRETA, talk about why banks should be interested in offering identity verification, and how to offset the risk that fragmented solutions for access to accounts under PSD2 could undermine the digital single market


Instant Payments: impact on ops and customer care

Davide Girompini, Global Leader Banking Industry Solutions – Payments and Transaction Services, IBM, speaks about how revolutionary real-time payments really are, and what they will ask of banks – and provide them.


Openness and reach key for new real-time system

Hays Littlejohn, CEO, EBA CLEARING, gives an update on progress with its new pan-European instant payments system, sharing information on how key features such as liquidity management will work, options for access and milestones on the way to go-live in November 2017.


Orchestration – and agility – essential for PSD2

Bruno Cambounet, VP Banking and Financial Services, Axway, discusses the different approaches to PSD2 in different European markets, the interest of banks outside the SEPA zone – such as in the US – in the competitive implications of access to accounts, and the need for banks to be able to orchestrate open APIs to make payments a seamless part of bigger processes, while retaining flexibility to cope with future change.


Collaboration vital for both banks and fintechs

John Box, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Raphaels Bank, discusses the importance of having fintechs at events like EBAday, and how they can work together.


Banks must continuously monitor cyber-crime

Monica Pellegrino, Research Analyst, ABI Lab, speaks about cyber-crime issues in Italy and how it affects Europe as a whole.


Tackling the weakest link for e-commerce fraud

James Rendell, Vice President, Payment Security Strategy, CA Technologies, discusses how banks – and consumers – benefit from best practices in fighting e-commerce fraud, how these techniques translate into the mobile environment, and why predictive modelling to tackle the vulnerability of the human link in the chain will be even more important in a distributed world.


For banks real-time is a challenge, not a threat

Peter Theunis, Sales Director EMEA, TAS Group, outlines the evolution of real-time in the past 12 months and how banks should be responding to these developments.