
549 articles tagged with this keyword


Fintech solving fundamental problem

Vikas Raj, Managing Director, Venture Lab, Accion, discusses innovations in emerging markets around the use of alternative and new data for credit scoring, and explores the role of fintechs in solving the ‘information asymmetry’ problem that leaves some 3 billion individuals and small businesses around the world without the financial services they need, by giving incumbent banks the data and infrastructure to serve these segments better.


Fintech influence on banks good for all of us

Steve Pierson, President of Lovell Minnick Partners, gives an investor’s view of fintech, talking about why advice, insurtech and outsourcing are hotter investment prospects than blockchain right now, the likely evolution of digital lending beyond consumer and how banks are set to learn from – and acquire – fintechs going forward.


Building real-time business case for smaller banks

Leo Lipis, Managing Director of Lipis Advisors and Tom Hay, Head of Payments at Icon Solutions, discuss the findings of recent research into the challenges and opportunities for small and medium sized banks of connecting to instant payment systems, and explore options for smaller players to achieve their real-time goals via more cost-effective routes.


Calculating the downside - and upside - of PSD2

Petri Syvänne, Head of Accenture Payment Services Nordic, talks about recent progress with PSD2, puts some numbers on the likely revenue losses and gains for Nordic banks as a result of the change and outlines some of the strategic options banks can consider to respond to the new regulation.


Omnichannel, ecosystem are transformation gaps

Sebastian Gyhlenius, Regional Executive, API Management and Solution Account Director at CA Technologies, talks about how far banks have come with digital transformation, what more they still need to do, and how they can leverage APIs and partnerships to bridge the remaining gaps in their transformation strategies.


A tipping point for cloud

Michael Mueller, Chief Executive, Form3 Financial Cloud, discusses drivers for change in the payments industry, the challenges these create for banks and how technologies such as cloud can help.


A more balanced view of blockchain

Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer, SIX Securities Services, discusses the progression of thinking about blockchain during the past year, potential applications of blockchain for market infrastructures, and the need to tackle innovation from a business perspective first.


A fintech melting pot in Scotland

Graham Hatton, International Senior Executive (Fintech), Scottish Development International, talks about how to break down barriers between start-ups and large institutions and efforts to attract inward investment to foster fintech development in the UK regions.


Tying innovation to customer needs

Diane Reyes, Global Head of Liquidity and Cash Management, HSBC, talks about how wholesale customers are leveraging mobile, and the need for banks and fintechs to partner to create viable end to end solutions.


Tackling digitalisation in bite-sized chunks

Paul Thomalla, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Relations, ACI Worldwide, speaks about PSD2 as a forcing factor driving banks to digitalise and the challenges and opportunities of breaking an analogue business into pieces and reconstructing them for a digital world.


Payments have to be simple

Jan Pilbauer, Executive Director of Modernisation & CIO, Canadian Payments, talks about the progress of ISO 20022 for payments in Canada and the new roadmap for Canadian payments modernisation.


Move to open banking is fundamental

Rob Hetherington, Global Head of Financial Services, SAP, outlines the innovative trends in transaction banking, and how new technologies such as blockchain have developed.


Commercial drivers for real-time in Nordics

Christina Friberg, Head of Cross Border Payment Solutions, Nordea, outlines the drivers for real-time payments in the Nordics, and explores the associated risks.


Focus on leading blockchain technologies

Philippe Ruault, Head of Innovation and Digital Lab, BNP Paribas Securities Services, speaks about the implementations of blockchain and what the associated issues may be in its application.


Real-time is a global phenomenon

David Yates, CEO, VocaLink, speaks about the key trends that have driven the payments industry this year, what opportunities real-time brings for US banks, and the results of The Millennial Influence research.


Smoothing the corporate banking value chain

Laurence Leyden, General Manager for Financial Services in EMEA SAP, discusses how digitalisation can help banks shift their approach to corporate customers from selling product to delivering value-add, and what this means for banks’ core systems.


Digital a big opportunity for small banks

Astrid Stolbrink, Head of FSI EMEA Services, SAP, talks about smaller established banks’ advantages when it comes to providing banking anywhere, anytime, and how they can approach breaking down the silos in their organisations to realise this opportunity.


There is no one-size-fits-all to instant pricing

Trevor LaFleche, Dovetail, speaks about the findings of the Finextra and Dovetail research paper on the pricing of instant payments, and what banks should be doing in light of the changing climate.


Customer value drives changes in payments

Gene Neyer, Industry & Regulatory, Global Payments, D+H, talks about how ISO 20022, PSD2 and real-time are coming together to transform the payments landscape, and the growing recognition that collaboration is needed to deliver value to customers in the payments landscape.


No real clarity on API projects in Europe

David Bannister, Principal Analyst, Financial Services Technology, Ovum, outlines the progression of blockchain in the last year, and where APIs and immediate payments fit in.