
4260 articles tagged with this keyword


Barclays' Brooke Navarro joins Overstock blockchain subsidiary tZero

tZERO, the global leader in blockchain innovation for capital markets, today announced several new appointments to enable its management team to drive further its growth plans, brand and market positioning and business objectives.


PayPal-backed alliance for blockchain-based digital IDs begins beta testing

LuxTrust S.A., a leading Digital Trust Services Provider in Luxembourg, and Cambridge Blockchain Inc., a pioneer in digital identity enterprise Software, announced the private beta-testing phase for privacy-protecting European identity platform IDKEEP.


Cash under threat from tech giant-run e-money - IMF paper

Cash and bank deposits face tough competition from, and could even be surpassed by, e-money provided by the likes of Alipay and Facebook, says a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) paper.


Facebook seeks to placate lawmakers over Libra but Mnuchin raises "serious concerns"

Facebook's Libra chief is bidding to sooth lawmakers' concerns over the digital currency, promising that it won't be launched until it has received regulatory approvals and that it will not compete with sovereign currencies o enter the monetary policy arena. The charm offensive comes as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin expresses "very serious concerns" that Libra could be misused by terrorists.


South Korean banks join Samsung and telcos in blockchain ID project

KEB Hana Bank and Woori Bank in South Korea are collaborating with Koscom, Samsung Electronics and three leading telcos to develop a blockchain-based system for storing digital identities.


Esma fills in the gaps on the licensing of fintech firms across Europe

The European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma) has found regulatory gaps across EU member states in the licensing regime for crypto-asset related activities and in the governance and risk management processes associated with both cyber security and cloud outsourcing.


Findora launches public blockchain for building financial applications

A team of entrepreneurs and academics has unveiled the development of Findora, a cryptographically transparent public blockchain for building financial applications. Findora’s leadership team is comprised of experienced entrepreneurs and Stanford academics, including Charles Lu, Ben Fisch, Benedikt Bünz, and John Powers.


YES Bank brings blockchain efficiency to Indian corporate debt market

India's YES bank has completed a successful issuance of corporate debt using blockchain built by Monetago on R3’s Corda.


Visa invests in crypto custodian Anchorage

Digital asset custody services provider Anchorage has raised $40 million in a Series funding round led by Blockchain Ventures and joined by Visa and Andreessen Horowitz.


Uberization in the payments world

Dr. Thomas L. Hager - VP Banking&FM Europe, IBM and Rajesh Venkatraman - Global Head, IBM Payment Solutions, speak at EBADay 2019 in Stockholm about Uberization of commerce and its place in the payments market, the key drivers, the key considerations for corporate banks as they embrace platform-based business models, what corporate banks need to figure out first before moving forward and how IBM is uniquely positioned to help corporate banking clients win in the platform-based economy.


Archax to deliver digital asset custody service with Unbound Tech

Archax, the forthcoming London-based, institutional, digital securities exchange, today announced it will be launching its own digital asset custody service in partnership with Unbound Tech, who are backed by forward-thinking strategic investors, including Goldman Sachs and Citi Ventures.


Open banking and it's link with identity

Franziska Zangl, Head of Business Development, NDGIT, speaks at Money 20/20 about Open Banking, APIs and PSD2, what lies ahead for banks, what we are finding in the other European markets, who is the most active or furthest advanced, and how banks are talking more and more about the connection points between Open Banking and the bigger societal issues of a consumer’s Personal Data and Identity.


Using blockchain in the approach to ISO migration

Clare Rhodes, Chief Marketing Officer, Identitii, speaks at EBADay about the building sense of urgency around ISO 20022 and the 2021 deadline, how banks are responding, the risks if banks aren’t ready for the 2021 deadline, how the industry is responding and the ways banks will likely approach ISO migration.


Financial community in need of governess model for blockchain

Daniele Savarè, Innovation & Business Solutions Director, SIA, speaks at EBADay 2019 in Stockholm about the opportunities of PSD2 and Open Banking for digital transformation in the payments industry, how real-time payments and Open Banking will impact the European financial market and the benefits DLT innovation can bring to the banking and payments sector.


Blockchain outfit Saga selects FIS tech for treasury unit

Saga, a monetary startup aimed at creating blockchain-based currency designed to bring stability to international exchange, announced today that it has recently selected FIS (NYSE: FIS), a global leader in financial services technology, to deploy its Integrity SaaS solution to manage the Saga treasury unit’s back office and its reserves.


FCA suggests ban on crypto derivatives

The UK's financial services watchdog is proposing a ban on cryptocurrency derivatives for retail investors in order to prevent them incurring large losses in financial instruments they do not understand.


Fujitsu develops digital identity technology to evaluate trustworthiness in online transactions

Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. today announced that it has developed a digital identity exchange technology that makes it possible for individual users and service businesses involved in online transactions to confirm the identity of other parties in transactions.


As Facebook's Libra looms, Deutsche Bank analyst hails cash's privacy

With Facebook's Libra project sparking a new feverish round of debate on the pros and cons of digital payments, a Deutsche Bank analyst is making the case for old fashioned cash on the grounds of privacy.


Oz lenders and IBM team on bank guarantee blockchain platform

ANZ, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac are joining forces with IBM and shopping centre giant Scentre Group to pilot a blockchain-based platform for managing bank guarantees.


Cybercrooks look to cash in on Facebook's digital currency

Cyber-scammers are scrambling to take advantage of Facebook's upcoming digital currency and wallet, registering domains related to Libra and Calibra in the hope of drawing in unsuspecting victims investigating the projects, say security researchers.