
4259 articles tagged with this keyword


Deutsche Bourse Venture Network adds digital share startup investment option with Cashlink

Through its partner Cashlink, Deutsche Börse Venture Network offers its members a new financing option using distributed ledger technology (DLT): from now on, all members of the network will receive discounted access to the issue of digital securities.


Tracking Bitcoin's highs and lows

The volatile nature of bitcoin trading has been brought into the spotlight by recent sharp rises and falls in the cryptocurrency after Mark Zuckerberg's grilling in Congress was countered by positive sentiment from China about blockchain and a future central-bank backed currency.


Credit Suisse and SocGen first up for Paxos Settlement Service

Post-trade blockchain startup Paxos has been given the go-ahead from the Securities and Exchange Commission to process transactions in the US equities market.


Money 20/20: Calibra head claims Libra AML efficacy higher than other payment networks

While Libra, the global currency governed by the Libra Association, has unveiled a plethora of opportunities for trailblazers to disrupt financial infrastructures, the project has been questioned around trust and regulation.


Mastercard dines out on blockchain platform

Consumers increasingly want to know the story behind the food that they consume – the source of the produce, meats and seafood, and their journey to the table.


Zuckerberg and Libra have further questions to answer, Nick Ogden tells Finextra

Facebook’s Libra Project has questions of liquidity to answer in order to prove its doubters wrong, says Nick Ogden, creator of Worldpay and ClearBank.


Commerzbank and Deutsche Bourse exchange cash and securities tokens in post-trade DLT trial

Commerzbank, Deutsche Bourrse and Meag, the asset manager of Munich Re and Ergo have undertaken a delivery-versus-payment transaction entailing the use of securities and cash tokens for settlement and collateral calls.


ING applies digital notary to blockchain transactions

ING says it has solved the privacy versus security trade-offs on R3's Corda network through the application of a 'zero knowledge proof notary'.


Securities numbering agency Anna sets up digital asset taskforce

Anna, the global body behind the assignment of International Securities Identification Numbers (Isins), has set up a technology taskforce to explore ways of extending its standards to digital asset trading.


Zuckerberg to Congress: Libra is needed but Facebook not 'ideal messenger'

Mark Zuckerberg says that a global payments system like Libra "needs to get built" and that the US risks ceding financial leadership to China if it does not take the initiative. However, the Facebook CEO admits that his company is "not the ideal messenger right now".


Ripple opens dedicated regulatory office in Washington

Not unlike the Internet’s historic impact, blockchain and digital asset technologies have the power to engender greater financial inclusion and economic growth.


Wall Street Blockchain Alliance adds corporate members

The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA), an industry leading non-profit trade association with a mission to guide and promote comprehensive adoption of blockchain technology across global markets, is proud to announce that Afloat Inc., Crowe LLP and EPAM Systems have recently joined the family of WSBA corporate members.


IBM and Tieto to slug it out for Bank of Lithuania LBChain sandbox project

The Bank of Lithuania has selected IBM and Tieto as the final contestants for a procurement initiative to create a regulatory sandbox platform for blockchain projects, LBChain.


Chainstack introduces one-click deployment for R3's Corda

Chainstack, a leading blockchain Platform as a Service (PaaS), released its managed Corda service at CordaCon 2019, R3’s flagship conference.


Circle spins out Poloniex

In an effort to create a competitive internationally-focused cryptocurrency exchange, the Poloniex team and leadership are spinning out from Circle into a new independent international company, Polo Digital Assets, Ltd.


AI, cloud, blockchain and beyond: Changing the financial world individually and in tandem

AI, cloud, blockchain and quantum computing form some of the pillars the much-discussed Fourth Industrial Revolution, with financial services watching on in anticipation of the disruption they promise in the years ahead.


Global stablecoins pose monetary sovereignty risk - G7 working group

Global stablecoins, such as Facebook's Libra, pose risks to financial stability, anti-money laundering efforts, anti-trust policy, and even monetary sovereignty, a new G7 working group has warned.


FinextraTV @ Sibos2019 – The Big Themes #3: Regulation

FinextraTV reports from Sibos 2019 in London on the impact of Regulation on the industry. In this, final episode, we learn about how Banks are adapting to the changing regulatory landscape, whether the cost of compliance outweighs the value of innovation, what success in this space demands and whether regulation will be able to keep up with the pace set by the tech giants. Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank, Nordea, LHV, KPMG and Crown Agents Bank are among the many leading institutions to share their views exclusively with Finextra Research.


Archax selects R3’s Corda Enterprise platform for digital exchange DLT infrastructure

Archax, the London-based institutional digital securities exchange, today announced a partnership with R3, the enterprise blockchain software firm.


IoT and blockchain to the fore in CIMB trade finance transaction

The Singapore branch of CIMB Bank Berhad has completed a trade financing transaction for the import of dairy products into China using IoT cargo sensors and a distributed ledger platform from blockchain firm iTrust.