
4381 articles tagged with this keyword


Payments, innovation and Angry Birds

Micah Gland, CEO of the Helsinki Business Hub discusses the entrepreneurial spirit of Finland and the new wave of FinTech innovation.


Xapo launches bitcoin debit card

Bitcoin startup Xapo has unveiled plans for a debit card that lets users pay with the crypto-currency wherever plastic is accepted.


US exchange rows back on commitment to help regulate bitcoin trading platform

The National Stock Exchange (NSX) has moved to play down its relationship with Atlas ATS, insisting that it has not agreed to regulate the bitcoin trading platform.


Brits wary of crypto-currency; Nakomoto outed?; bitcoin goes to pot

Despite the hype, the vast majority of Brits have no interest in using bitcoin to shop online, with a lack of trust cited as the main barrier to uptake.


Mt. Gox CEO unwilling to travel to US to answer bankruptcy case questions

Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles is refusing to travel to America this week to answer questions about the Tokyo-based bitcoin exchange's US bankruptcy case.


US Attorney General floats tighter regulations for virtual currencies

The US Attorney General has raised the prospect of applying money-laundering and know-your-customer controls to virtual currency transactions as a means to clamp down on illegal activity.


Royal Canadian Mint ditches MintChip digital currency project

The Royal Canadian Mint has pulled the plug on its MintChip cloud-based digital currency and is looking to offload the business.


Wall Street industry group swallows Bitcoin red pill

In a sure sign of the growing business interest in crypto-currencies on Wall Street, the Security Traders Association of New York (Stany) has decided to accept payment in bitcoin for tickets to its Annual Conference and Dinner.


Jumio builds bitcoin ID verification system; Stripe tests bitcoin support

Jumio has signed up several bitcoin-related businesses to a scheme which lets users validate their identities by holding up paper ID to the cameras of Web-connected devices.


Former Swift CEO Schrank joins Circle funding round

Digital currency start-up Circle Internet Financial has closed a $17 million funding round, including an investment from former Swift chief executive Leonard Schrank.


US tax man says bitcoin is property, not currency

America's Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says that it will treat virtual currencies such as bitcoin as property, rather than currency, for tax purposes.


Virtual currency exchange Vircurex freezes customer accounts

Beijing-based virtual currency exchange Vircurex has frozen customer accounts because it does not have the reserves to cover withdrawal requests.


Mt. Gox finds 200,000 bitcoins in old wallet

Mt. Gox says that it has found around 200,000 bitcoins - worth in the region of $116 million - in an old digital wallet.


Coinbase hires Facebook's Ryan McGeehan to build security programme

Bitcoin wallet outfit Coinbase has hired Facebook's director of security incident response Ryan McGeehan to build its own security programme.


Lemon co-founder raises $20 million for bitcoin vault start-up

Xapo, a bitcoin wallet and cold-storage vault start-up established by former Lemon founder Wences Casares, has raised $20 million in Series A funding led by Benchmark, with Fortress Investment Group and Ribbit Capital.


Singapore to tackle money laundering risks in bitcoin transactions

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is to regulate virtual currency intermediaries in Singapore to address potential money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks.


Bitcoin not a currency but has tech potential - Goldman Sachs

Far from taking off as a new currency, the true value of Bitcoin lies in its potential to transform existing payments networks, say Goldman Sachs analysts in a comprehensive report into the budding crypto-currency.


New York regulator starts accepting bitcoin exchange applications

New York state's financial services regulator has begun accepting applications from firms wanting to set up virtual currency exchanges.


Bank of Ireland rejects bitcoin ATM firm's account request

Inconsistencies in the Irish banking industry's attitude to crypto-currencies have emerged after Bank of Ireland refused to let a bitcoin ATM outfit open an account before AIB stepped in to say it could work with the firm.


Man denies being bitcoin creator as he leads car chase

Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, the man named as bitcoin's creator by a magazine on Thursday, has denied the claim before leading reporters on a car chase around Los Angeles.