
4378 articles tagged with this keyword


Malaysian Central Bank prepares for banking industry's 'Kodak Moment'

The Central Bank of Malaysia has established an open API implementation group with members drawn from the banking industry, fintech community and key stakeholders to develop open API standards for the financial sector as part of efforts to broaden access and promote innovation and competition.


Digital currency 'inevitable' - Bank of China

The introduction of digital currency is "inevitable", according to the outgoing governor of the People's Bank of China, who nevertheless stresses that any progress on the issue will be carried out in a "steady and orderly fashion".


Bank of England sets up Fintech Hub; works with firms on DLT interface to RGTS

The Bank of England is establishing a new Fintech Hub as a central point of contact for engagement with startups and to drive new technological developments within the Bank.


JPMorgan Chase International chairman backs new non-anonymous digital currency

A new foundation bidding to build a non-anonymous, reserve-backed digital currency has added the chairman of JPMorgan Chase International and a Nobel Laureate to its advisory council.


Social trading firm eToro raises $100m

Social trading network eToro is set to double down on its work in blockchain-based technologies after raising $100 million in a Series E financing round led China Minsheng Financial.


Government of Zimbabwe signs MoU with FinComEco to drive innovation in agriculture markets

The Government of Zimbabwe, under the aegises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (MoFAIT) and Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement (MLARR) and FinComEco, the fully integrated Financial & Commodities Ecosystem (FinComEco) providing services, financing, capacity building and enablement solutions from supply to demand, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly develop a range of platforms, projects and initiatives in the agricultural commodity markets sector in Zimbabwe.


EverMarkets preps blockchain-powered futures exchange

A team of seasoned traders, technologists and senior executives from some of the U.S.'s largest financial institutions and technology firms is pleased to announce they are developing EverMarkets™, a futures exchange and clearing house platform built on blockchain technology.


France is best for croissants, London for finance - City Minister

Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen had had a dig at France's ambitions to replace the UK as Europe's leading fintech hub in a speech at the Innovate Finance Global Summit.


Northern Trust places auditor node on private equity blockchain

Norther Trust is providing an audit node on its private equity distributed ledger in Guernsey, to provide firms with access to relevant fund data direct from the blockchain.


Hong Kong watchdog puts stop to ICO

ICO issuer Black Cell Technology Limited (Black Cell) has halted its initial coin offering (ICO) to the Hong Kong public and agreed to unwind ICO transactions for Hong Kong investors by returning them the relevant tokens following regulatory action by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) over concerns that Black Cell had engaged in potential unauthorized promotional activities and unlicensed regulated activities.


Japan regulator holds blockchain roundtable

The Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA) held the “Blockchain Round-Table” on March 8 and 9 with the participation of foreign and Japanese regulatory and supervisory authorities and central banks (UK Financial Conduct Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Australian Securities Investments Commission, Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulatory Authority, France Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank of Japan and Bank of Canada) as well as foreign and Japanese academic institutions. (MIT Media Lab, The University of Tokyo and Keio University).


RSK picks Decentral Jaxx blockchain platform for smart contracts on Bitcoin

RSK, the smart contract platform powered by the Bitcoin network, today announced it has launched on Decentral's Jaxx cryptocurrency wallet and multi-token digital platform.


Accenture completes trial of ocean-going blockchain platform

A consortium comprising AB InBev, Accenture, APL, Kuehne + Nagel and a European customs organization has successfully tested a blockchain solution that can eliminate the need for printed shipping documents and save the freight and logistics industry hundreds of millions of dollars annually.


Lithuanian central bank goes to tender for blockchain platform

The Bank of Lithuania has issued a call for proposals for software developers interested in contributing to the development of LBChain, a regulatory sandbox platform for blockchain projects.


Japanese FIs bullish on use of DLT in trade matching

A group of Japanese financial institutions are investigating the use of distributed ledger technology in trade matching processes.


Isabel Group and norbloc bring blockchain KYC initiative to pilot

Last year, B-Hive, a European innovative collaboration platform connecting fintech startups and established financial service organizations, announced the launch of TrustHive.


Indian fintech sector needs regulatory support to flourish

India's nascent fintech sector has huge potential but requires a supportive regulatory environment and investment in human talent to flourish, a new report commissioned by Yes Bank suggests.


Colt and PCCW demo blockchain PoC for inter-carrier telco settlement

Colt Technology Services and PCCW Global, the international operating division of HKT, have collaborated with Clear, a blockchain start-up company, to demonstrate that inter-carrier settlement times can be reduced from hours to minutes by blockchain technology.


BBOD to launch Ethereum derivatives and spot exchange in partnership with GMEX

GMEX Technologies (GMEX), a wholly owned subsidiary of GMEX Group and a provider of multi-asset exchange trading and post trade technology delivered through a partnership driven approach, is delighted to announce that the Blockchain Board of Derivatives (BBOD) will be the latest Exchange to implement GMEX Fusion, a unique integrated centralised and distributed exchange platform solution.


Eastern Caribbean Central Bank partners Bitt for digital currency pilot

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and the Barbados-based fintech company, Bitt Inc. have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to conduct a FinTech pilot on blockchain technology in the ECCB member countries.