
260 articles tagged with this keyword


New delivery models support transformation

Robert Browning, Leader, Payments, Financial Messaging Product Management at D+H, discusses the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in corporate banking, the evolving landscape of new entrants and how emerging delivery models such as payments as a service can help banks to efficiently and cost-effectively transform their operations to keep pace.


Banks need deeper corporate relationships

Kevin Brown, Associate, KPMG, reflects on discussions around intraday liquidity, real-time and the Internet of Things during Sibos in Geneva, and talks about how banks can extend their interactions with corporates beyond the treasurer to identify new sources of friction to resolve.


Collaboration key to fighting real-time fraud

Jim Wadsworth, MD of Accura, talks about the increased fraud threat in a real-time payments environment, and the value of working together and leveraging technologies such as machine learning to combat this problem.


Blockchain too important to ignore

Falk Rieker, Global Head of Banking Business Unit at SAP, discusses the progress of blockchain during the past year, and the importance of collaboration among banks - and between banks and vendors - to derive the maximum benefits from the technology across a range of financial services sectors in the future.


Secrets to payments hub success

Freddy Khoo, Head, Wholesale Banking Operations at AmBank Berhad, talks about the risk and service drivers to implement a payments hub, the challenges of integrating with internal and external systems and how to ensure integrity and security are enhanced not diminished in the process.


Avoid pain of point solutions for PSD2, real-time

Alex Kwiatkowski, Senior Strategist, Banking and Digital Channels, Misys and Paul Curry, Product Manager, Payments and Messaging at Misys, discuss how data is the lifeblood of banks looking to capitalise on open banking opportunities and the need to tackle PSD2 and real-time payments with end-to-end strategies, rather than one challenge at a time.


A tipping point for cloud

Michael Mueller, Chief Executive, Form3 Financial Cloud, discusses drivers for change in the payments industry, the challenges these create for banks and how technologies such as cloud can help.


A more balanced view of blockchain

Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer, SIX Securities Services, discusses the progression of thinking about blockchain during the past year, potential applications of blockchain for market infrastructures, and the need to tackle innovation from a business perspective first.


Plugging blockchain into a 40 year tradition

Brian Bellendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger, talks about what’s needed to raise the floor around blockchain technology in financial services, how blockchain fits with existing common technology platforms in the industry, and what people will be saying about blockchain at SIbos 2017.


Bring blockchain back to the customer

Peter Cronin, Business Development and Account Manager, EPAM, discusses how other industries are using blockchain, the value they are deriving for themselves and their customers, and what banks could learn about maximising the benefits of blockchain by focusing on customer needs first.


A fintech melting pot in Scotland

Graham Hatton, International Senior Executive (Fintech), Scottish Development International, talks about how to break down barriers between start-ups and large institutions and efforts to attract inward investment to foster fintech development in the UK regions.


Blockchain use cases need validation

Balazs Fejes (FB), Co-Head Global Business, EPAM, talks about the progress blockchain has made from hype to reality in the past year, the need for a pragmatic approach to implementation and the importance of establishing whether blockchain is the right solution for all the use cases being created.


Increased pace and adoption of new technology

Sean Gilchrist, Managing Director, Commercial Digital, Lloyds Banking Group, outlines the role of emerging technology on banking, and how the regulatory burden continues to impact the industry.


Focus on leading blockchain technologies

Philippe Ruault, Head of Innovation and Digital Lab, BNP Paribas Securities Services, speaks about the implementations of blockchain and what the associated issues may be in its application.


We need to attack vanilla business in payments

Pierangelo Mortara, Deputy General Manager, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions, speaks about innovations in banking and where distributed ledger technology can fit in.


More DLT use cases around information sharing

Nick Armstrong, Co-founder and CEO, Identitii, plots out the timeline for mainstream blockchain adoption and what the killer app might be.


Managing endpoints critical for DL security

Stephen Scharf, Chief Security Officer, DTCC, talks about the cyber security implications of blockchain and how distributed ledger could contribute to recoverability by enabling redundancy and back-up.


Blockchain won’t be as disruptive as people think

Cian Burke, Head of Securities Services, HSBC discusses why big data and data analytics still dominate conversations, and the effect distributed ledger technology may have on post-trade and operations.


Speed, safety and transparency drive innovation

Benoit Dessere, Head of Cash Management, Societe Generale, discusses how innovation is enabling banks to meet customer demand for anytime, anywhere, any device services, and talks about why digitalised information such as e-signatures and e-documents will bring more immediate and significant advantages to cash management than blockchain.


We need a sustainable cadence with fintech

Leda Glyptis, Director, Sapient, talks about how emerging technologies are driving evolution in the fintech climate, and how financial institutions are reacting.