
1940 articles tagged with this keyword


Currencies Direct completes successful pilot of XRP for FX payments

Currencies Direct has successfully completed an international payment over Ripple’s xRapid platform using XRP.


Crealogix integrates crypto assets into digital banking hub

Digital banking innovator CREALOGIX today announced the launch of CREALOGIX Invest Crypto which adds cryptocurrency and blockchain market data to its CREALOGIX Digital Banking Hub.


Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange joins Equichain working community

Equichain is proud to announce the signing of a partnership agreement with the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) to join its working community, which aims to bring efficiencies to capital markets.


ConsenSys to open Dublin innovation studio

ConsenSys, a blockchain company, announced its expansion into Ireland with the Dublin Innovation Studio, expected to open in June of 2018.


MAS takes action against token issuers

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has warned eight digital token exchanges in Singapore not to facilitate trading in digital tokens that are securities or futures contracts without MAS’ authorisation.


World’s first blockchain platform for marine insurance now in commercial use

EY, Guardtime, A.P. Møller-Maersk, Microsoft and insurance industry leaders Willis Towers Watson, XL Catlin, MS Amlin and ACORD announce members of the marine industry are using Insurwave, a blockchain platform to support marine hull insurance.


Bangkok Bank joins R3's Marco Polo consortium

Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited (“Bangkok Bank”), one of the largest regional banks in South East Asia and Thailand’s largest lender, has joined the Marco Polo trade finance initiative run by enterprise software firm R3 and trade finance technology specialist TradeIX.


Risk and compliance staff expect big benefits from AI and DLT

Building on its commitment to help connect and empower the global financial and corporate communities by providing actionable insights and proprietary solutions that add greater value, Thomson Reuters recently commissioned Celent to conduct independent market research on integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).


Central Crypto and Huobi team on quantitative crypto-trading initiative

As the digital assets becoming increasingly relevant, many cryptocurrency exchange executives and quantitative financial experts said in a cryptotrading summit on May 19, crypto trading is a better application for quantitative techniques, but the investors are calling for more integrated source of information for further education.


Dawn of the blockchain IPO

Stock certificates could someday be endangered, replaced by the new invasive species of security tokens.


Finastra adds US fintechs to open platform

Finastra today welcomed four early adopters to its open platform. US-based Fintechs, including Tradle,, Active Allocator and GreenPoint Financial, are on board to design and create apps on Finastra’s platform.


Coinsuper establishes Crypto Exchange Network

Coinsuper, the professional digital asset trading platform, is pleased to initiate the establishment of a Crypto Exchange Network (CEN), with the vision of connecting the financial world.


UK Cryptoassets Taskforce meets for the first time

The first meeting of the UK’s new Cryptoassets Taskforce took place today. The Taskforce agreed its objectives, which include exploring the impact of cryptoassets, the potential benefits and challenges of the application of distributed ledger technology in financial services, and assessing what, if any, regulation is required in response.


Tradeshift goes all in on blockchain

The problem you didn’t know you had with accounts payable is that making suppliers wait up to 90 days to get paid is bad for innovation, bad for global trade, and bad for business.


Proxima and eToro incorporate in Gibraltar for DLT framework

Albert Isola, Minister for Commerce HM Government of Gibraltar is delighted to note that ProximaX Ltd., has chosen to incorporate its company in Gibraltar because of the new distributed ledger technology (“DLT”) Regulatory Framework that commenced in January 2018 and which provides a conducive environment for DLT businesses.


Paxos Bankchcain authorised in New York

Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo today announced that the Department of Financial Services has authorized Paxos Trust Company LLC, formerly known as itBit Trust Company, to offer a permissioned, blockchain-based post-trade platform settlement service called Bankchain, and has granted a virtual currency license to Genesis Global Trading, Inc.


Nuggets payments and ID privacy platform moves into alpha

Nuggets, the award-winning e-commerce payments and ID platform, has opened up its mobile app Alpha to iOS users.


Commerzbank links SAP S/4Hana to R3 Corda

Commerzbank, supported by SAP, has successfully completed an end-to-end integration between SAP S/4HANA business processes and R3’s Corda blockchain platform.


EEA unveils standardised ethereum specification for enterprise deployment

Until today, organizations were required to build proprietary variations of a private-permissioned Enterprise Ethereum implementation.


Circle rounds on $110 million funding round

Today we announced the pending availability of tokenized US dollar coins supported by developments in the CENTRE open source framework and by a new partnership with Bitmain, which is also leading a $110M Series E equity investment in Circle.