Artificial intelligence

310 articles tagged with this keyword


FinextraTV @ Sibos2019 – The Big Themes #1: The Impact of AI

FinextraTV reports from Sibos 2019 in London on Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services. In this, the first of three Sibos reports, we learn about AI: the areas it is having the greatest impact, the challenges and concerns that surround it, and how the industry will use the technology in coming years. ING, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Crown Agents Bank, Standard Bank, SEB, Nordea and BNP Paribas are among the many leading institutions to share their views exclusively with Finextra Research.


Powering Intelligent Entreprise to understand customers & personalise UX

Lori Mitchell-Keller, Co-President Industries & Global General Manager Consumer Industries, SAP, and Falk Rieker, Head of Banking, SAP, focus on Intelligent Technologies by exploring where SAP stands on the topic of payments and blockchain, how customers are responding to the need for hyper-connectivity, and how SAP is powering the Experience Economy.


‘If we fix digital identity, we fix payments,’ Tony McLaughlin

Tony McLaughlin, Emerging Payments & Business Development, Citi, speaks with Finextra about authentication concerns as payment transactions become increasingly electronic, whether the industry push for frictionless payments is sufficiently secure, how partnerships are adding to the ecosystem, and why a Federated Bank ID should be rolled-out across borders.


Overcoming limits to uncover AI technology opportunities

Paula da Silva, Head of Transaction Services, SEB, speaks to Finextra about developing successful partnerships with fintech without diminishing customer relationships, the ways SEB implements AI in middle and back office systems, and the risks involved in launching payment and transaction banking services through blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.


Blockchain is a moving ground for innovation, not an industry disruptor

Bruno Campenon, Head of Bank, Brokers and Corporates, BNP Paribas Securities Services, explains how blockchain and AI infrastructures such as CSDs across APAC are being deployed through blockchain technology, how banks are exploiting blockchain’s full potential, and the ways in which innovation continues to be driven by blockchain projects.

/Artificial intelligence

FinextraTV reveals 3-part Sibos 2019 Highlight Series

Join FinextraTV as we reflect on the theme of Sibos, ‘Thriving in a Hyperconnected World’. In a 3-part series, we look at the power of AI, the value of Levering Data and the challenges and opportunities around regulation in Financial services. We set out to capture where Artificial Intelligence is impacting most, the concerns it raises and how the industry can use AI to maximum effect in the future. We ask participants about the importance of developing a data strategy, the problems leveraging data overcomes and the new & improved services it leads to. The final part to our series will look at Regulation and how the banks are adapting to today’s regulatory demands, we question who will be the winners and losers, and whether regulation will be able to keep up with technological advancements and curb the unintended outcomes.

/Artificial intelligence

Bringing AI to the fight for best AML practices

Richard Harris, SVP of International Operations, Feedzai, discusses the costs and complications of meeting compliance demands, machine learning and AI in the battle against money laundering, and how banks are amalgamating data in real time to target AML requirements.

/Artificial intelligence

The Lead up to Sibos: Entering the Second Generation of Connectivity

Charlie Platt, Head of Financial Services UK&I, SAP, speaks to Finextra TV in the run up to Sibos about the theme 'Thriving in a Hyper-connected World', the elements of the event, 'Enhancing the Digital Ecosystem', 'Leveraging Data' and 'Exploring the Human Element', what they mean to SAP and why these are essential to creating new value propositions.

/Artificial intelligence

How Digital ID Verification Can Increase New Account Opening

Conor Hickey, Solution Architect at OneSpan, speaks about why consumers are abandoning online bank account application processes, how banks can reduce applicant abandonment with digital identity verification, and what the future holds for biometric verification.

/Artificial intelligence

The Power of Programmes Writing Programmes

John Wise, Founder, Chairman and CEO of InvestCloud talks about the trials of coding and the answer to the problem, PWP (Programmes Writing Programmes) how this low code approach assists wealth management, who's building that functionality and how the the approach to data differs between the small to medium sized firms.

/Artificial intelligence

Combating APP Fraud with Behavioural Analytics and Explainable AI

After taking home EBA Day's Fintech Zone Price, Bleckwen's CEO, David Christie tells Hannah Wallace of Finextra what winning 'best in show' means to the startup. He introduces the thought behind their AI based, fraud detection and presentation software, what APP fraud is and how can AI help combat this, how behavioural analytics is used to detect APP fraud and why we need Explainable AI.

/Artificial intelligence

A game changer for generating code in a digital age

John Wise, CEO, Co-Founder and Chairman of InvestCloud talks Finextra through the genesis of InvestCloud, the role and evolution of Programmes Writing Programmes (PWP) and simplified intelligence in generating code, the importance of 'Digital Empathy' in a digital age and how Cloud has shaken up the market in the last decade.


Changes in wealth management and the investors' demands

John Wise, CEO/ Co-Founder/ Chairman, InvestCloud, speaks about the changes in wealth management and the external factors drivers that change, what investors are demanding, whether investment firms are keeping up with these demands, how these demands are differing between the UK and the US, and how robo advisers are changing the game.

/Artificial intelligence

Open banking and it's link with identity

Franziska Zangl, Head of Business Development, NDGIT, speaks at Money 20/20 about Open Banking, APIs and PSD2, what lies ahead for banks, what we are finding in the other European markets, who is the most active or furthest advanced, and how banks are talking more and more about the connection points between Open Banking and the bigger societal issues of a consumer’s Personal Data and Identity.

/Artificial intelligence

Building the context to Advanced Authentication

Olivier Thirion de Briel, Global Solution Director FSI, IAM Solutions at HID Global, speaks at EBADay 2019 in Stockholm about the impact of Open Banking on security, whether strong authentication will kill the user experience by becoming required too often, the data HID Global are using and what type of threats it can detect.

/Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in the Era of Open Banking

Vincent Brennan, Deputy Chairman, Euro Banking Association and Chair of the Association’s Open Banking Working Group, and Daniel Szmukler, Director, Euro Banking Association, speak at EBADay 2019 in Stockholm about their new report on Artificial Intelligence in the Era of Open Banking, why AI and Open Banking are such a winning combination for the payments industry and how the industry can put into practise collaborative use cases for AI.

/Artificial intelligence

Crypto is back in fashion: Is the future of money tokenised?

Tony McLaughlin, Emerging Payments and Business Development, Citi, speaks to Hannah Wallace, Finextra at Money 20/20 Europe about whether the future of money is tokenised, whether there is a global narrative with fintech innovation, where regulation fits in and how banks can successfully move with the times and coexist in harmony together.

/Artificial intelligence

The relationship between banks' reputation and AI

Nuno Sebastiao, Chairman & CEO at Feedzai, speaks at Money 20/20 Europe about the importance of opening accounts in the banking space, what role AI plays in a banks reputation and how financial crime is having an impact on both society and the banks.

/Artificial intelligence

Tackling financial crime and the role of digital identity

Marc Corbalan, Product Management, Vocalink, a Mastercard company, speaks at NextGen Banking London about the role AI plays in tackling financial crime, what helps to detect fraud or prevent it, the role of digital identity in tackling crime and how the industry is dealing with the problem collectively.

/Artificial intelligence

Why collaboration is the new innovation and the role of the treasury

Gulru Atak, Global Innovation Lead for Treasury & Trade Solutions at Citi, speaks about the collaboration as the new innovation, the impact of AI and ML on the corporates, how Citi is approaching the new platform business model and how the treasury department help banks through innovation challenges.