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Get the most out of Sibos

Get the most out of Sibos

Source: Finextra Research

Finextra Research has once again partnered with Swift to launch Finextra@Sibos, a special-purpose financial technology news site designed to keep visitors to Sibos 2011 in Toronto up-to-speed with news and views direct from the exhibition and conference floor.

MySibos is Swift's online networking tool, which is used by participants to customise their conference and exhibition schedule for the week, set up appointments in advance and exchange e-mails with all delegates and exhibitors through a network of terminals at the show.

Finextra@Sibos news is integrated into the MySibos home page and is available on both the MySibos web site and Internet terminals across the exhibition floor.

Finextra will be constantly updating and refreshing Sibos content before, during and after the event so be sure to check in frequently.

News and announcements direct to your inbox
As in previous events, we are once again offering our popular email newsflash service - simply sign up with your usual email address to be kept informed of events as they happen. Existing Finextra subscribers can add Sibos newsflashes to their daily menu by logging in with their usual credentials.

Alternatively check out Finextra's Sibos RSS feed and receive the headline news via your Web browser or news reader.

Finextra@Sibos Community
Finextra e-mail subscribers may also apply to join the Finextra Community, a professional networking site developed exclusively for the global financial technology industry. Community members can open a blog, upload a personal profile, connect and communicate with their peers using a private messaging system and join a range of special interest groups.
To further encourage dialogue, debate and networking at Sibos, Finextra has established a dedicated Finextra@Sibos Community where conference-goers can share their views and opinions on proceedings at Sibos with other industry participants and the global Finextra audience.

Sibos in video
The Finextra TV crew will be broadcasting live from the Finextra stand direct from the exhibition floor throughout the week. Join us for a series of one-on-one interviews and panel sessions debating the key Sibos themes and messages as they emerge.

For financial technology professionals unable to participate directly in the show, Finextra@Sibos is also live on the World Wide Web via a dedicated site at Finextra@Sibos.

How to contact us
All bank and vendor news relating to Sibos 2011 should be sent to immediately (under embargo if necessary). Sibos exhibitors who wish to take advantage of the special promotional opportunities available over Finextra@Sibos should contact

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