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Swift: Can this elephant dance?

Swift: Can this elephant dance?

Source: Akash Maiti and Kalyan Chakravarthy Bondugula, Infosys

Akash Maiti and Kalyan Chakravarthy Bondugula of Infosys explore the emerging challenges to the Swift financial messaging franchise.

Swift faces strong competition from numerous vendors as it provides messaging services to multiple segments of financial services. With IP based messaging becoming more reliable and secure, the whole business dynamic has undergone a paradigm shift. Financial institutions have much more choices now than ever before and the potential for disruption to Swift's franchise is huge.

Swift is having to react quickly to this changing technical and competitive landscape in an effort not only to retain its dominant position in the banking messaging space but also improve its position in securities and corporate messaging markets

This paper analyses the offerings of various players who are competing with Swift and the options available to different market segments.

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