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Finextra@Sibos - Official exhibition news provider

Finextra@Sibos - Official exhibition news provider

Source: Finextra

Since 2003 Finextra Research has partnered with Swift to bring you Finextra@Sibos, a special-purpose financial services news site designed to keep visitors to Sibos and the wider global banking community up-to-speed with news and views direct from the exhibition floor.

Finextra@Sibos is accessible to Finextra's 28,500+ subscribers and 135,000 regular visitors, to the worldwide banking community via the SWIFT and Sibos web sites and via MySibos. Plus new for 2010 live via the exhibition hall at the Finextra studio.

Raise your profile
At Sibos 2009, Finextra@Sibos generated over 195,000 page views from over 15,000 unique user and so can offer exhibitors a measurable, high profile platform to engage with the Sibos delegate community. There are a number of advertising opportunities which are designed to:

  • Increase brand profile on-site at the event
  • Support any pre-event marketing and appointment setting campaigns
  • Drive traffic to advertisers' stands and also Sibos microsites
  • Help to position new products, innovations and strategies
  • Provide support for any lead generation activities
  • Promote stand highlights and location
  • Align brand with news coverage

Video interviews
As well being the Sibos exhibition's source for news, comment, research and analysis, Finextra will also provide a video and audio channel showcasing interviews with interesting and compelling market participants. Exhibitors have the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate industry thought leadership
  • Showcase new product, services and industry initiatives
  • Announce partnerships and customer wins
  • Provide case studies with customers
  • Discuss news content and releases in more detail
  • Highlight stand activities
  • Increase the profile of their industry spokespeople

Further information
For further information on Finextra@Sibos including editorial, video and advertising opportunities please email: or call: +44 (0)20 3100 3670.

Nick Hastings, Commercial director

Tom Edwards, Account manager

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