Finextra is conducting a survey looking at the customer satisfaction levels of corporate customers. The survey will examine both sides of this coin - what banks are doing to get closer to their corporates, as well as the expectations and experiences of corporates.
Whether you are a bank or a corporate client - register now to take part in our exclusive ‘client satisfaction survey.’
Questions for corporates include:
- How long does it take today on average (as an existing client) to resolve an enquiry about a missing payment? What are your criteria for choosing a bank?
- In the past 12 months, have you reduced your business with one or more of your banks? Why?
- Would you consider switching to a different bank for better customer service around on-boarding, account maintenance and query handling?
Take part now in the corporate survey now.
Questions for banks include:
- How long does it take on average to onboard a customer that represents a new relationship for your bank?
- What are the limitations of your current on boarding and service environment?
Take part now in the bank survey now.
All participants will receive a copy of the survey results. Results will be published at this year’s Sibos in Amsterdam.