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Systar on payments and the customer experience

Systar on payments and the customer experience


Gilles LeFlambe, head of sales (FSI) at Systar, talks with Finextra about the state of payments prior to this year's EBADay event in Luxembourg.

This is a ten minute interview. Please jump to the following time stamps in the video to view each question and answer at your leisure.

00:08 The end-to-end customer experience is rarely measured. SLAs are a way to approach quality, but how do you manage them?

01:40 Intra-day liquidity hasn't been a big subject in payments, but changing patterns, volume increases and regulations are changing that. Is there a need to better manage intra-day liquidity in this industry?

05:45 The mindset of payments is not around real-time execution - but there is still a push towards real-time - what is driving this?


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