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Remittances - the long way home

Remittances - the long way home

Source: ING

ING presents research documenting the most important remittance product types, the players and the networks used to channel payments.

The document also presents the latest market forecasts and reports on new innovations in remittance payments - including the use of mobile phones, pre-paid cards and ATMs - and assesses their potential.

Download the document now 195 kb (PDF File)

Comments: (1)

Mitch Roda
Mitch Roda - Upaid Ltd UK - London 13 October, 2009, 06:04Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Very good article. Provides a good introduction to the remittance business as well as a very complete list of the solutions that are currently deployed around the world. Thanks to Gera Voorips and the ING team. Great job! I have forwarded the article to several colleagues to get the up to speed quickly on the remittance/mobile financial services domain.

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