
On Demand Webinar: How to keep pace with mobile innovators and challenger banks

Join Finextra, OneSpan and industry experts as we discuss how the use of new technology is increasingly transforming the way financial service providers are interacting with their customers.

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Online Webinar

In a growing mobile economy, banking processes need to become more automated than ever before. Offering an outstanding customer experience is essential, but so too is the importance of maintaining high levels of security in order to combat fraud. 

Mobile banking innovators are leveraging technological advances in digital ID verification, e-signature and risk analytics to fully digitise their account opening processes, enabling them to deliver new digital services at a faster pace.

How do you manage the thirst for digital accessibility without compromising security?

In this webinar, we discuss how digital account opening can be extended to the mobile channel and best practices for mitigating mobile threats.

Register to join us as we discuss this as well as:

  • The importance of mobile account opening for banks. Why does it matter?
  • How digital account opening can be extended from the online to the mobile channel.
  • Customer experience Vs. security management - how do you balance both in a digital age?
  • How the use of biometrics and digital verification creates value for banks and their customers
  • Best practices for mitigating mobile threats.


  • Anna Milne - Editor, Finextra
  • Tim Bedard - Director, Product Marketing, OneSpan
  • Mariela Hunter - Head of Consumer Bank Strategy, Citizens Bank
  • Søren Rode Andreasen - Chief Digital Officer, Danske Bank


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