On Demand Webinar: Account Opening: Do you know your customer?
On Demand

Online Webinar

On Demand Webinar: Account Opening: Do you know your customer?

Join this On Demand Webinar from Finextra in association with OneSpan and hear expert speakers discuss how the emergence of robust digital identity solutions is irrevocably linked to successful customer engagement strategies and the transformation of financial institutions.

Customer identity verification during the account opening process is one of the fastest growing business requirements for financial institutions. Whether to satisfy Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations in an account opening process or as evidence for electronic signature. In an interconnected world, consumer expect to manage their financial affairs digitally, seamlessly in real-time thought their channel of choice. This requires banks to embrace different strategies for each, especially where the applicant is not face-to-face.

The webinar will focus on the latest digital identification verification and authentication techniques, how they can be used across multiple channels and the role it plays in delivering services conveniently to consumers. How the emergence of sophisticated analytics, biometrics, device identity, document capture are more important than ever in today’s world.

During the webinar, we will discuss:

  • How identify verification and authentication techniques optimise customer user experience.
  • The importance of identity verification to electronically signed contracts.
  • How KYC techniques complement and enhance fraud detection processes.
  • The benefits of deploying biometrics, device identity and documentation capture tools.
  • How digital identity links to the overall digital transformation of businesses.

Speakers include:

  • Conor Hickey, Head of Solution Architecture, OneSpan
  • Andrew Scott, Head of Digital Portfolio Management, HSBC Retail Banking
  • Paul Mihajlovic, Director, Banking, Baringa
  • Gary Wright, Content Director, Finextra


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