The Cloud Series in association with AWS

How does cloud democratise consumers in banking and payments?

15 November 2019

In banking and payments, much is discussed about the end retail customer experience. We often read about B2C or even B2B2C payments, mostly because mobile devices have extended well beyond simple communication.

Optimizing Data Management in the Cloud

18 October 2019

The instantaneous availability of compute power in the cloud is supporting an explosion of data consumption in the financial services industry. In order to manage the vast amount of information in competitive and fragmented markets and derive actionable insights, a new approach to data management is essential. And FIs are increasingly looking to the cloud. For instance, they are aggregating data and making it more readily available for AI and machine learning ML as well as experimenting with new applications and use cases such as trade discovery and surveillance. Additionally, regulations like BSBS239, MiFID II and FRTB are forcing FIs to store, report and interpret deep data points from a number of different systems and of differing levels of trust, standardisation and openness. This TickSmith report analyses how FIs are leveraging cloud to solve their big data conundrum and address the unpredictable nature of data.

A Cost-Effective Solution to New FRTB Computing Requirements

18 October 2019

The financial services industry has long required compute-intensive calculations for risk management, regulatory compliance, product development, pricing, trading, clearing and surveillance. However, the volume and timeliness of these calculations have increased. This is where cloud comes in. FIs are now expanding their on-premises grid computing capabilities and taking advantage of the storage capabilities that the cloud offers, in addition to agile processing, lower costs and greater capacity. This TIBCO report delves into the benefits of running grids at enterprise scale, processing simultaneous multiple workloads and reducing hardware footprints with the cloud.

Power Business Transformation with the Cloud

18 October 2019

The volume of data has exploded. It is becoming increasingly important for FIs to manage and derive value from their data however, harnessing data is not a simple task and an increasing number of organisations are leveraging cloud to unlock new value. The cloud has the potential to evolve workflows, impact product roadmaps and support planning and budgeting, but some FIs are uncertain about which applications to run in the cloud and which to maintain on premises. This report from Collibra discusses the benefits of the cloud as industry confidence in the security of the cloud grows. Fill in the your details to download your copy.

Increasing compute power with the cloud

18 October 2019

The instantaneous availability of compute power in the cloud is supporting an explosion of data consumption in the financial services industry. In order to manage the vast amount of information in competitive and fragmented markets and derive actionable insights, a new approach to data management is essential. And financial institutions (FIs) are increasingly looking to the cloud.

Why are FIs shifting grid computing to the cloud?

18 October 2019

The financial services industry has long required compute-intensive calculations for risk management, regulatory compliance, product development, pricing, trading, clearing and surveillance. However, the volume and timeliness of these calculations have increased.

Leveraging cloud migration to power digital transformation

18 October 2019

The volume of data has exploded, and it is becoming increasingly important for financial institutions (FIs) to manage and derive value from their data. However, harnessing data is not a simple task and an increasing number of organisations are leveraging cloud to unlock new value.

How the cloud increases capacity and agility

18 October 2019

The cloud propels financial institutions (FIs) forward and provides the opportunity to scale in line with market demands such as volatility in the capital markets space, new regulations in banking and payments or increasing data assets in the insurance industry.

From idea to production on the cloud

17 October 2019

Scott Mullins, Director, Worldwide Financial Services, Business & Market Development, AWS, speaks at Sibos about the impact of cloud on the transformation of bank, how this transformation will accelerate and how Open banking ties into banks transition to the cloud. For all your fintech-related news, please visit

5 Ways the Cloud is Creating Business Value for Insurers

20 September 2019

Customers want intuitively simple solutions. Insurers have figured out that the best way to deliver these is with the cloud, but migration requires an evolutionary approach that leverages existing capabilities and places new innovations on a pedestal. However, the right combination of cloud services can also result in new business models, promote new value propositions and enable new revenue streams. The success of the InsurTech sector is providing insurers with unprecedented innovation and is thriving almost entirely on cloud-based architectures. This report discusses the five ways that the cloud gives insurers the freedom to focus on innovation. Download here to find out more.

The Future of Digital Banking in the Cloud

16 September 2019

In this age of the customer, banks are leveraging the cloud to reduce costs, innovate faster, minimise risks and digitise mission-critical services. Cloud technology is a transformative power for digital banking and represents a fundamental shift in business models, making it easier to run, operate and scale in line with demand and paying only for the computing power consumed. This report details how cloud-native solutions can deliver a market bullseye for target customer groups while reducing the total cost of ownership, improving security and meeting compliance obligations. Download here to find out more.

Building the Capital Markets Technology of the Future

16 September 2019

The cloud has been a catalyst for accelerated development in capital markets. Firms are now using the cloud to become more agile and to increase the pace of innovation delivered to end users. Technology must work in parallel with regulation in order to move towards a future where innovation can facilitate, but like any new technology, companies need time to understand, adopt and implement. Only when mastered can cloud computing achieve efficiencies such as reducing time to market with high quality and security. This report explores how market participants are stepping up their game to adapt their platforms to ensure they comply with regulation and offer end users, including traders, risk managers and back office teams, a richer experience. Download here to find out more.