4 results about this entity

Period: 04 May 2022 - 19 Mar 2025


GSBN interoperable eBL product goes live

Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN), ICE Digital Trade and IQAX launched their landmark interoperable eBL solution today.


GSBN to trial Bill of Lading tokenisation in Hong Kong

Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN), a neutral, not-for-profit consortium enabling paperless, accessible and sustainable growth in global trade with its data infrastructure and ecosystem of partners, has officially joined the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s (HKMA) Project Ensemble to test its electronic Bill of Lading (eBL) tokenisation use case with Ant Digital Technologies and conduct interbank atomic settlement of tokenised deposits between the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) and Hang Seng Bank (Hang Seng).


GSB hires Michelle Devine as UK director

Financial services group GSB Capital continues the expansion of its global wealth and advisory business with the hiring of Michelle Devine.


GSBN develops proof-of-concept for two blockchain-based trade finance products

Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN), an independent, not-for-profit technology consortium building a blockchain-enabled operating system designed to redefine global trade, today announced that its Trade Finance Advisory Group has reached a new milestone, with its first proofs-of-concepts for trade finance products since its inception in September last year.