IBM Financial Services

555 results about this entity

Period: 11 Jun 2004 - 02 Dec 2024

UBS rolls out IBM ZTIC security hardware to online customers

UBS has become the first bank to roll out IBM's Zone Trusted Information Channel (ZTIC) online banking security hardware to its customers.

RBS cheque system scuppered by EDS mainframe failure

The Royal Bank of Scotland's cheque clearing system fell over this week after a massive mainframe failure at HP Enterprise Services (formally EDS).

'Too complex to thrive' Western banks face uncertain future - IBM study

At a time when trust in banks is at an all time low, a new study by IBM finds that too many are over-reliant on revenue streams that no longer exist, have unsustainable cost structures, and are burdened by excessive levels of operational complexity and inflexibility.

Deutsche Bank and CBA join cloud computing group

Deutsche Bank and CBA are among the firms to have signed up to a new global Enterprise Cloud Buyers Council (ECBC), set up by the TM Forum to promote cloud technology.

IBM opens London analytics centre

IBM has launched a London Analytics Solutions Centre and pledged to recruit 400 consultants, software specialists and mathematicians to run the facility which will initially focus on the financial services sector.

IBM makes mainframe breakthrough in Namibia

IBM has sold its first mainframe in Namibia in a $5 million deal with First National Bank of Namibia.

Samlink signs EUR55 million IT services deal with IBM

IBM has signed a seven-year, EUR55 million strategic outsourcing agreement with Finnish IT banking service provider Samlink.

Visa opens US data centre; rolls out operating system for processing network

Visa has opened a global data centre in the United States and partnered IBM to develop a new operating system to underpin its VisaNet transaction processing network.

Plastic fantastic goes on display at Cartes

Improvements in online banking security, prototypes for 'ultra-mobile' m-payments, contactless and eco card initiatives are among the new technologies on show at the annual Cartes & IDentification event in Paris which opens Monday.

IBM looks on as Westpac's Kelly says mega outsourcing trend is shifting

Westpac CEO Gail Kelly has broadly hinted that the bank is unlikely to renew its decade-long IT outsourcing deal with IBM, as banks move away from all-in-one mega deals to more tactical best-of-breed outsourcing arrangements.

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ adopts IBM desktop cloud service

Japan's Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ has signed for IBM's smart business desktop cloud service.

IBM exec among six charged over tech insider trading scheme

A top IBM executive is among six people charged by US authorities over an alleged $20 million hedge fund insider trading scam involving some of the world's biggest technology companies.