IBM Financial Services

550 results about this entity

Period: 11 Jun 2004 - 07 Oct 2024

IBM and Calypso discuss CCPs and OTC derivatives

Centralising OTC derivatives clearing is seen as a central part of regulators' efforts to reduce risk from the financial system. But, will this make the financial system 'safer'?

NAB racks up IT spending

National Australia Bank increased spending by over a half on its IT infrastructure last year as it grappled with a series of breakdowns in its online platforms and poured more cash into a core banking transformation project.

The future of internet banking for business

Jeff Watson, Associate Partner-Digital and Mobile Channel Transformation, IBM discusses the future of internet banking for business.

IBM strikes $387 million deal to acquire Algorithmics

IBM has stepped up its investment in the booming risk management marketplace with a $387 million deal to buy Toronto-based analytics house Algorithmics.

State Street takes 850 IT staff off the payroll

State Street is to sack 530 IT staff and transfer 320 other tech personnel to IBM and Wipro under an enterprise-wide technology modernisation programme.

Fixnetix ponders sale options - FT

UK trading technology outfit Fixnetix is mulling a partial or full sale to help expand its reach around the world, according to the Financial Times.

Innovation in banking

IBM talks about clouds, outsourcing, and innovation at EBADay in Madrid.

IBM wins Bank Austria IT services deal

IBM has won a five year IT services contract with Bank Austria that will see around 300 of the client's tech staff move to a new centre in Vienna.

Thomson Reuters names Ramamurthy president, sales and trading

Thomson Reuters has hired IBM veteran Shanker Ramamurthy to head up its sales and trading business.

HSBC Insurance taps IBM for Solvency II compliance

HSBC's UK insurance business has selected IBM to help it develop and roll out a business analytics system ahead of upcoming European Solvency II legislation.

Finextra Dinner Club: Turning compliance into a competitive edge

The next meeting of the Finextra Dinner Club will focus on critical compliance issues for banks and feature presentations from Nicholas Child, MD and director of compliance at Citi, Simon Gleeson, partner in the financial services practice of Clifford Chance and Keith Saxton, director, global banking and financial markets for IBM.

Social media: More than just a passing fad say bankers

Finextra's international series of social media events kicked off at Thomson Reuters' London headquarters today, with participants from the financial services industry chewing over the opportunities and pitfalls presented by the likes of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.