IBM Financial Services

550 results about this entity

Period: 11 Jun 2004 - 07 Oct 2024

ABN Amro joins hyperledger hackathon

ABN Amro, IBM, Holland FinTech and Linux Foundation are to run the first-ever Hyperledger hackathon, inviting coders to develop new financial applications capable of running on distributed ledgers.

JPX bigs up blockchain

Japan Exchange Group is talking up the transformational potential of the use of distributed ledgers in capital markets after analysing the results of proof of concept trials with member firms over the course of the past year.

IBM launches cloud service for blockchain testing

IBM today announced a cloud service for organizations requiring a secure environment for blockchain networks.

How to get ahead on operational resilience

Andrew Graham, Distinguished Engineer and Executive IT Architect - IBM Global Industries - Financial Markets and Banking, outlines the importance of operational resilience in an increasingly difficult environment, how technologies such as blockchain will impact resilience and what financial institutions need to do to get ahead in this domain.

IBM to open first 'Centre for Blockchain Innovation' in Singapore

IBM is to establish its first 'Centre for Blockchain Innovation' in Singapore, working in concert with the island city-state's Economic Development Board and Monetary Authority.

Instant Payments: impact on ops and customer care

Davide Girompini, Global Leader Banking Industry Solutions – Payments and Transaction Services, IBM, speaks about how revolutionary real-time payments really are, and what they will ask of banks – and provide them.

IBM joins Chamber of Digital Commerce blockchain association

The Chamber of Digital Commerce (“Chamber”) welcomes the addition of IBM to its Executive Committee membership.

Credit Mutuel Arkea applies blockchain tech to verify customer IDs

Credit Mutuel Arkea has completed a pilot of an operational permissioned blockchain network to verify customer bona fides in compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.

IBM opens Bluemix garage in New York

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the opening of an IBM Bluemix Garage in New York City, which will help power the city's growing concentration of developers, entrepreneurs, and fintech companies with cloud and blockchain.

Mizuho turns to IBM for blockchain tech payment system

Mizuho Financial Group and IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today a test of the potential of blockchain for use in settlements with virtual currency. By incorporating blockchain technology into settlements with virtual currency, Mizuho will explore how payments can be instantaneously swapped, potentially leading to new financial services based on this rapidly evolving technology. The pilot project uses the open source code IBM contributed to the Hyperledger Project.

IBM to offer Apple Pay on the Web to online clients

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it will offer Apple Pay on the web to its online clients, bringing their customers easy, secure and private payments in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac with a single touch.

China's Fujian Rural Credit taps IBM for digital product shift

China's Fujian Rural Credit (FJRC) has selected IBM (NYSE: IBM) for its new storage infrastructure to help to speed up deployment and raise efficiency of Internet- and cloud-based new financial applications, such as mobile banking, for the province's increasingly prosperous agricultural population.