
5 results about this entity

Period: 03 Nov 2020 - 08 Dec 2023


Origo appoints Tom Mullally as chief product officer

Origo has appointed Tom Mullally as Chief Product Officer, with a remit to help the fintech further connect the industry for the benefit of everyone.


Origo connects with Pensions Dashboard

Origo will be launching the Origo Dashboard Connector, a comprehensive and cost-effective way for pensions providers to connect to the pensions dashboard. The Dashboard Connector will be live in September 2022.


Edinburgh fintech specialist Origo: Startups restricted by hot recruitment market

An aggressive recruitment market could hamper start-ups in Scotland’s booming financial technology sector, according to senior fintech experts.


Capgemini wins contract with Pensions Dashboard Programme

The UK's Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has selected Capgemini for the delivery of its central technical architecture.

Origo launches new product to speed customer onboarding

Origo is launching a new service – Unipass Letter of Authority (ULoA) – another significant digital step forward for the industry delivered by the FinTech.