
3 results about this entity

Period: 26 Oct 2020 - 02 Feb 2021


CME Group completes BrokerTec migration onto Globex

CME Group, the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, today announced that BrokerTec, a leading provider of electronic trading platforms and technology services in fixed income markets, has migrated its U.S. Treasuries benchmark trading and U.S. Repo platform to CME Globex.


Brokertec bond and repo trading migrated to CME Globex

CME Group, the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, today announced that BrokerTec, a leading provider of electronic trading platforms and technology services in fixed income markets, has successfully migrated its European government bonds and repo trading platform to CME Globex.

BrokerTec ships dealer-to-client execution platform for US repos

BrokerTec, a leading provider of electronic trading platforms and technology services in fixed income markets, today announced its dealer-to-client request for quote (RFQ) trading platform, BrokerTec Quote, is now available to the U.S. repo market through BrokerTec Americas, LLC.