Astana International Exchange

4 results about this entity

Period: 01 Nov 2018 - 09 Jul 2019


Astana International Exchange and Nasdaq Dubai form alliance

Astana International Exchange (AIX) and Nasdaq Dubai in Kazakhstan have signed an agreement to establish a close operational relationship between the central securities depositories (CSDs) of both markets.

AIX launches mobile application for retail investors

Astana International Exchange (AIX) is pleased to announce the launch of its proprietary mobile application for retail investors, “AIX Connect”.


Astana International Exchange live with Nasdaq market surveillance tech

The Astana International Exchange (AIX) is pleased to announce that the Nasdaq’s SMARTS Market Surveillance system for real-time surveillance and monitoring of market operations functions was deployed successfully.

Avenir runs post-trade infrastructure for Astana International Exchange in Kazakhstan

Avenir Technology Limited, a global developer of post-trade Financial Market Infrastructure solutions, has today announced that it is the provider of post-trade market services to the Astana International Exchange (AIX) in Kazakhstan.