Castlight Financial

3 results about this entity

Period: 14 Dec 2017 - 24 Oct 2018

CastLight taps Open Banking data to calculate affordability credit score

Affordability innovator Castlight Financial has developed the world’s first open-banking affordability score, providing access to borrowing for the first time for the 5.8 million people , in the UK alone, with “thin credit files”.

Castlight empowers first open banking loan for HSBC

Castlight Financial, the Glasgow-based financial capability company, has partnered with HSBC UK in the delivery of the bank’s first open banking loan.

Castlight Financial launches IFRS data capture tool

Award winning, Glasgow-based fintech company Castlight Financial has launched a powerful customer bank transactions categorisation tool, designed to meet the challenges and opportunities faced by the banking industry in the run up to the implementation of banking standard IFRS 9 on 1 January 2018.