
9 results about this entity

Period: 26 Oct 2017 - 18 Feb 2025


Squirro appoints Chris Corrado CEO, Americas

Squirro, a leading enterprise GenAI platform provider, today announced it has named Chris Corrado as its new CEO, Americas. Corrado brings more than four decades of technology and business experience to his position at Squirro, with a background managing large, global teams driving innovative technologies supporting leading-edge businesses.


Squirro releases out-of-the-box app for market moving insights

Squirro, the Augmented Intelligence solutions provider, has launched a new app – Allocators Insights – that directly delivers the latest allocation strategy information to users, such as asset, fund, wealth, portfolio, and investment managers.


Squirro and radicant bring AI to ESG decisions with new partnership

radicant, the first sustainable, digital and collaborative internet-based financial services company which is aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, is working closely with Squirro. The integration of technology enables radicant to automate decision-making processes and improve customer understanding and service quality.


Squirro signs European Central Bank; sets sights on US with open.exchange acquisition

Follwing landmark deals with the Bank of England and German Bundesbank, Squirro has unveiled the European Central Bank as the latest client for its augmented intelligence toolkit.

Squirro brings AI to insurance market

Squirro, the augmented intelligence solutions provider, has today announced the launch of a new suite of applications that aim to transform elements of insurance, from underwriting and submission-handling, to improved lead generation and deeper customer insight.


Squirro launches machine learning service with bespoke training data creation module

Augmented intelligence solutions provider Squirro has launched a new machine learning service that is one of the world’s first to include an Annotation Workbench that enables organisations to compose training data sets within the platform.

Thomson Reuters partners with Squirro to amalgamate company info with CRM

Thomson Reuters has partnered with augmented intelligence solution provider Squirro to provide an AI-driven solution that leverages the power of today’s customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to deliver a complete, current overview of each client, boosting engagement and facilitating deal idea generation for the banking industry.

New Squirro app brings artificial intelligence to institutional asset management

Squirro, the AI driven context intelligence and insights solution provider, has announced the launch of a new application that brings the power of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and predictive analytics to institutional asset management.

AI firm Squirro lands in Singapore

Squirro, the AI-driven context intelligence and data insights solution provider, is opening its first office in Asia, looking to use the new Singapore office as a base from which to target other countries in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.