7 results about this entity

Period: 06 Sep 2017 - 03 Oct 2024


On-Demand – SEPA Inst Mandate: Impacts on Day 1, Day 90 – and beyond?

EU Instant Payments – opportunities and challenges, out of the gate and down the road.

Speakers from: ACI Worldwide, Red Hat, JP Morgan, EY



"Who's in charge?": What it takes to build an effective FinTech Board

Speaking at the Innovate Finance Global Summit, Anita Kimber, Lead Partner, EMEIA Transformation, Financial Services at EY, talks about building an impactful Fintech board, and asks, what skillsets, cultures, and strategies are required to build one? We learn about the challenges FinTechs face when trying to scale-up and why boards are so important in helping them grow successfully, why the role of boards is often overlooked by FinTechs, and what's needed to form a strong board as the FinTech industry matures.


EY to triple sustainable finance team in Dublin to accelerate ESG goals

A new innovation hub will be opened in Dublin to support global financial institutions push forward with meeting environmental, social and governance (ESG) regulatory and reporting requirements.


EY launches business transformation platform for FS industry

EY announces that it has expanded its technology ecosystem with the launch of business transformation platform, EY Nexus, which is optimized for financial services and designed for rapid deployment of new products and solutions.


UK to regulate stablecoins as part of Finance bill

Fintechs and crypto asset providers have welcomed the UK government’s decision to bring stablecoins into regulatory scope as part of the recently published Financial Services and Markets Bill.

Banks shift priorities toward growth, digitisation and innovation - survey

More than half of global banks expect to see their technology investment budgets rise by over 10% this year as they beef up cybersecurity and push for digital maturity, according to a survey from EY.

EY launches new blockchain platform for marine insurance

EY and Guardtime announce the world’s first blockchain platform for the marine insurance sector.