
24 results about this entity

Period: 10 May 2007 - 04 Feb 2025


Eastnets takes Swift service bureau to Saudi Arabia

Eastnets, a global leader in compliance, payments, and cloud solutions, has launched a SWIFT Service Bureau in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).


Eastnets deploys managed Swift service on AWS cloud

Eastnets, a global leader in compliance and payments solutions, has launched its Managed SWIFT Service on AWS Cloud.


Pole Star Global integrates with Eastnets for vessel tracking to curtail maritime financial crime

This enhancement equips financial institutions with real-time vessel tracking and AI-driven monitoring, both crucial for addressing the escalating challenges of trade-based financial crime.


On-Demand – Global Trade Based Financial Crime: Where Trade and Payments Meet

How confident and mature are financial institutions in detecting and mitigating trade based financial crime?

Speakers from: Eastnets



Finextra & Eastnets unveil new data on the global state of trade-based financial crime

Finextra this week released new research investigating how institutions globally are tackling the mounting issue of trade-based financial crime (TBFC).

The Global Fight Against Trade-Based Financial Crime



On-Demand – Trade based financial crime: Mitigating TBFC compliance risk with technology

Why are banks struggling to keep up with the digitalisation required to mitigate financial crime?

Speakers from: Eastnets, PwC UK



Eastnets and iPiD join forces

Eastnets, a global leader in compliance and payment solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with iPiD, a leading provider of beneficiary name and bank account verification services.

On-Demand – Instant payments and their impact on the fraud landscape

How can banks reassess their prevention strategies in the face of unprecedented levels of fraud?

Speakers from: Eastnets, LHV Bank, Isabel Group



On-Demand Webinar - Financial Crime: How regulators are cooperating to combat financial crime

How will AML compliance for central banks and financial institutions be impacted by the establishment of the European AMLA and how will financial crime regulation be standardised throughout the EU?

Speakers from: Deloitte, Ghana International Bank, Eastnets



Eastnets migrates Americas Swift and sanctions screening infrastructure to Microsoft Azure

Eastnets, a global leader in compliance and payment solutions for the financial services industry, is responding to the increasingly complex and rapidly evolving financial landscape and becomes one of the first Swift service bureausi to migrate its full infrastructure in the Americas to Microsoft Azure.


EastNets reveals that 28 institutions are now receiving watchlist updates over blockchain

EastNets is pleased to announce that 28 financial institutions are now live users of a real-time watchlist feed, delivered securely over blockchain.