
446 results about this entity

Period: 02 Aug 2002 - 12 Sep 2024

Visa plans m-payments apps for Android

Card network Visa is developing mobile payments software for handsets that run on Google's new phone operating system, Android.

Amazon launches online payments services for merchants

Internet retailer Amazon is taking on PayPal and Google in the e-payments market by launching two new services that enable online merchants to use its payments functionality on their e-commerce sites in the US.

Citi m-banking technology compatible with Android

Mobile Money Ventures (MMV) - the joint venture set up by Citi and South Korea's SK Telecom - is developing a banking application that will be compatible with Google's new mobile phone operating system, Android.

Tech giants team on Internet ID cards

Google, Microsoft and PayPal are among a group of technology firms that are joining forces to promote the use of virtual online identity cards - rather than user names and passwords - for conducting transactions via the Web.

Nyse to sell market data to Internet sites

The New York Stock Exchange (Nyse) is gearing up to launch a low-cost real-time market data service for delivery over personal finance Web sites. The move follows earlier deals by Nasdaq OMX and Bats Trading to distribute market data to new media giants such as Google and Yahoo!.

Nasdaq OMX launches free real-time market data service

Market operator Nasdaq OMX has launched a free-of-charge real-time market data service that will be delivered by Google, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Xignite.

Jump in adoption of alternative payment methods

Around 30% of US online retailers now offer customers the option to use alternative payment methods (APM) - such as Google Checkout, PayPal and Bill me Later - which is a 25% increase since February 2007, according to a poll conducted by interactive marketing firm Brulant.

Google patents SMS payments system

The publication of a patent filing has fuelled specualtion that Internet search engine Google is gearing up to launch a payments service, dubbed GPay, that would enable users to pay for purchases using SMS text messages.

Google launches online payments service in UK

Internet search engine Google has launched its Web payments processing service Checkout in the UK.

Google Checkout makes inroads online

Google claims to have signed up 20% of the Web's top 500 retailers for its online payment service Checkout in its first six months of operation.

SEC to review Nyse data fee ruling

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has heeded the demands of Internet giants such as Google and Yahoo! and agreed to review a recent round of previously approved fee hikes for market data usage proposed by the New York Stock Exchange (Nyse).

Internet giants lobby SEC over exchange data fees

A coalition of some of the Internet's largest financial news sites, including Google and Yahoo!, is petitioning the Securities and Exchange Commission to review the fees that stock exchanges charge for market data.