
5 results about this entity

Period: 13 Oct 2004 - 30 Sep 2010

Judge doubles US Bank cheque imaging patent infringement award

A federal judge has doubled the damages US Bank must pay DataTreasury for cheque processing technology patent infringements to around $54 million.

Federal Reserve Banks to move cheque images to Viewpointe

The Federal Reserve Banks are migrating their archive of around 10 billion cheque images from an in-house system to IBM and bank-backed Viewpointe in a bid to cut costs.

Viewpointe selects IBM to build new cheque image archive

US-based Viewpointe, a bank-owned provider of cheque imaging services, has signed a five-year, $174 million deal with IBM for the development of a new national cheque image archive.

Wells Fargo buys stake in cheque imaging firm Viewpointe

US bank Wells Fargo has bought an ownership stake in Viewpointe Archive Services, a consortium-owned provider of cheque imaging software and archive services originally set up in 2000 by IBM, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Harris Bank selects CSC and Viewpointe for electronic imaging

Harris Bank, part of the BMO Financial Group, has signed a multi-year agreement to utilise Viewpointe and CSC electronic imaging systems.