Halifax Group

81 results about this entity

Period: 12 Aug 2005 - 28 Feb 2025

Card is king as cash usage continues to fall - Halifax

The popularity of cash and cheques continues to decline, according to figures from Halifax which show that nearly 85% of all current account transactions made by its customers are now electronic.

Cash still dominates charitable giving

Two-thirds of charity donors used cash to donate in the past 12 months, despite the increasing availability of other forms of payment options, according to the annual Halifax Giving Monitor review.

Halifax trials heartbeat authentication technology

Halifax is trialling technology which can authenticate user identities by analysing their unique heartbeat rhythm.

Markit to acquire Halifax House Price Index

Markit, a leading global diversified provider of financial information services (Nasdaq: MRKT), today announced that it has agreed to acquire the Halifax House Price Index from Lloyds Banking Group.

Halifax launches bespoke online service for youth segment

Halifax has launched a tailored online banking service for young customers aged between 11 and 15 in an effort to promote better money management skills.

Yule log on to online banking

According to Halifax, 12% of active online banking customers found time to log on to their bank account on Christmas Day 2014, a 37% increase on the previous year

Cash usage on the wane - Halifax

Paying for goods and services in cash is on the decline as consumers embrace the convenience of plastic and automated payments, according to new current account data from the UK's Halifax.

UK's Paym P2P mobile payments service set for 29 April launch

Person-to-person mobile payments service Paym will be rolled out by Britain's banks at the end of this month.

UK banks gear up for launch of Paym P2P mobile payments service

The person-to-person mobile payments service being prepped by Britain's banks for a launch later this year has been christened Paym.

TSB chief uses Twitter to blame HP server for IT meltdown

The CEO of TSB Bank has blamed an HP server failure for the meltdown which left Lloyds Banking Group customers unable to use debit cards and cash machines for several hours yesterday.

HSBC tops UK bank social media customer service table

HSBC is Britain's most engaged bank on social media, using the likes of Twitter and Facebook to provide prompt customer service, according to research from IMGroup.

Santander has UK's weakest online banking security - Which?

NatWest and RBS have been crowned the UK's most secure online banking providers by consumer group Which?, with Santander ranked bottom of the pile.