European Central Bank (ECB)

324 results about this entity

Period: 16 Feb 2007 - 09 Sep 2024

ECB sets out draft mobile payments security recommendations

The European Central Bank has set out draft recommendations on mobile payments security, covering everything from customer authentication to data protection.

HFT makes markets more efficient - ECB paper

As European law-makers close in on a deal to tighten rules on high-frequency trading, a new paper from the ECB warns that curbing the practice could make markets less efficient.

European card fraud losses fall

ATM and POS-based card fraud are on the retreat in Europe, thanks in large part to technological advances such as EMV, but online losses remain stubbornly high, according to figures from the ECB.

ECB tells firms to buck up Sepa migration efforts

The European Central Bank (ECB) has warned that many companies are leaving Sepa migration too late, leaving themselves open to serious problems when the February 2014 deadline arrives.

Back office costs for T2S to run as high as EUR27 million

European banks and broker-dealers are lagging in their understanding of the impact of the European Central Bank's plans for harmonising settlement under the Target2Securities platform, with migration costs for back offices estimated at anywhere between seven million euros and EUR27 million.

ECB signs for Thomson Reuters Eikon

The European Central Bank has signed a three year deal to roll out Thomson Reuters' Eikon desktops across the ECB and 18 participating national central banks.

US sets sights on ECB's Target2 over Iran sanctions

US lawmakers are putting together a bill designed to make it harder for Iranian firms to use the European Central Bank's Target2 cross-border payments system, according to press reports.

ECB seeks to improve online payments security

The European Central Bank has outlined plans to improve the security of Internet payments, requiring firms to beef up their customer authentication processes.

Clearstream to pass on EUR30 million T2S development costs to customers

European depository Clearstream plans to pass on to its customers an estimated EUR30 million in development costs for migrating to the European Central bank's Target2-Securities (T2S) system.

ECB extends T2S deadline; weak trading hits volume and pricing assumptions

The European Central Bank may be forced into a rethink of the charging structure for the Target2Securities settlement platform as weak trading in Eurozone markets hits previously optimistic volume assumptions.

European Central Bank warns of virtual currency risks

The growth of virtual currency schemes such as Bitcoin and Second Life's Linden Dollars, could have a negative reputational impact on central banks due to their inherent instability, warns the European Central Bank.

Swift wins T2S connectivity deal with CSD consortium

Link Up Markets, a consortium of 11 European central securities depositories (CSDs), has selected financial messaging network Swift to provide connectivity to Target2-Securities, the new pan-European settlement infrastucture under construction by the European Central Bank.