European Central Bank (ECB)

324 results about this entity

Period: 16 Feb 2007 - 09 Sep 2024

ECB posits combination of Target2 and T2S on single platform

The European Central Bank is contemplating a merger of the Target2 real-time gross payment system with the T2S securities settlement mechanism, providing a single platform for the processing of cash and securities across the Eurosystem.

Tradeweb wins ECB contracts

Tradeweb Markets, the leading global marketplace for electronic fixed income, derivatives and ETF trading, announced it has been awarded two contracts to supply its electronic trading platform (ETP) to the European Central Bank (ECB).

Card fraud rises across Europe - ECB

The European Central Bank (ECB) has reported an eight percent increase in fraud among cards issued or acquired within the Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa) for 2013.

ECB gives green light to eBay-PayPal split

Earlier today, we learned that the European Central Bank (ECB) has officially approved the eBay-PayPal separation – the final approval we needed to complete our plan to create two dynamic, standalone public companies.

ERPB pushes pan-European P2P mobile payments

The Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) says that person-to-person mobile payment providers across the continent should work together to ensure interoperability.

T2S goes live

T2S, a platform that will enable integrated securities settlement across Europe, has gone live as planned today, the European Central Bank announced.

Italy secures T2S deadline extension

Italy will no longer be one of the first set of countries to go live with Target2-Securities (T2S) later this month, securing a two month extension in the wake of "strong discomfort" among its banks.

T2S on track for go-live on 22 June

On 28 May the T2S Board reviewed the status of the T2S testing activities and confirmed that the platform is sufficiently stable for live production on 22 June 2015.

EBA Clearing forms pan-European instant payments task force

EBA Clearing has launched a task force to lay the groundwork for a Europe-wide instant payment processing service it hopes to have up and running by 2018.

EU court quashes ECB counterparty location policy

The Eurosystem comprises the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks o fthe Member States that have adopted the euro as a common currency.

ECB plays down virtual currency risks

Despite flagging some concerns, the European Central Bank says that it does not think that the rise of virtual currencies currently provides a material risk to the smooth operation of payment systems.

ECB launches statsapp

The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched two tools to make its statistics more accessible.