Chase Manhattan Bank

17 results about this entity

Period: 02 Feb 2006 - 15 May 2024

JPMorgan Chase completes conversion of New York tri-state accounts

JPMorgan Chase has passed a significant milestone in its ongoing Bank One technology integration effort with the conversion of New York Tri-state accounts to a unified national network linking 2660 branches in 17 states.

Chase chucks out data on 2.6 million customers

US bank JPMorgan Chase says computer tapes containing the personal financial information of 2.6 million current and former credit card customers were mistakenly identified as rubbish and thrown out.

Sport fans to test PayPass wristband; NFC m-payments trials hailed a success

MasterCard is to begin trials of a new form of contactless payment technology - the PayPass wristband, which will be given to 5000 American football fans attending a game at the Giants Stadium in New York on Sunday.

Chase phishing scam traced to Chinese bank servers

An e-mail scam that tries to con customers of Chase Manahattan Bank into taking part in a fake online survey in return for a fictitious $20 reward has been linked to an Internet server run by the state-owned China Construction Bank.

Visa takes aim at US contactless market

Card association Visa is homing in on a $1.2 trillion cash replacement opportunity as it talks up the rapid uptake of contactless payment cards by US retailers, banks and consumers.