ANZ Banking Group

240 results about this entity

Period: 10 Nov 2006 - 28 Nov 2024

Banks and retailers sign on for new Australian Payments Council

Australian banks, retailers and payments specialists have signed on to a new co-ordination body that aims to step up the pace of innovation in the country's payments industry.

ANZ combines digital and physical for new wealth platform

Australian bank ANZ has opened a tech-packed wealth management centre in Sydney, with a mobile app set to follow.

ANZ chief Smith puts social media at the heart of the bank's future strategy

ANZ chief executive Mike Smith has committed to making social media engagement and digital services a "key business priority" for the Australian bank over the next three years.

ANZ CIO Weatherston quits

ANZ is on the hunt for a new chief information officer following the sudden departure of Anne Weatherston.

Big Data start-up ERN hires former ANZ CIO Ian Rae

ERN, a start-up promising to help banks and merchants aggregate and analyse data generated by card transactions, has hired former ANZ Bank CIO Ian Rae as its chief operating officer.

ANZ appoints head of digital and social media strategy

ANZ has appointed a former publishing executive to a newly-created position to lead the bank's social and digital media strategy.

ANZ celebrates Mardi Gras with GAYTMs

Oz bank ANZ has commissioned artists to make its cash machines more fabulous, turning them into 'GAYTMs' for the Sydney Mardi Gras festival.

ANZ experiments with voice biometrics as tech investment programme gains ground

ANZ is experimenting with the use of voice biometrics for securing customer interactions at the call centre and for authorisation of larger-value cash transactions via mobile phones.

ANZ CEO Mike Smith becomes LinkedIn global influencer

ANZ chief executive Mike Smith has put his social media scepticism behind him and joined LinkedIn's global influencer programme.

Oz banks gear up for real-time payments system

Australia's banks have brought in KPMG to manage a programme to build an industry-wide real-time payments platform by 2016.

ANZ claims one million goMoney app users

ANZ says that more than a million Aussies are now using its goMoney mobile-to-mobile payments app, transferring around A$2.5 billion a month.

Vodafone and Visa prep Oz contactless mobile payments

Wireless operator Vodafone and card giant Visa have unveiled the SmartPass contactless mobile payments system that they will launch in Australia next year.