ABN Amro

268 results about this entity

Period: 10 Jan 2008 - 22 Jan 2025

ABN Amro's Moneyou exports Tikkie payments app to Germany

Payment app Tikkie is going international. From today, anyone with a German bank account can use this hip and handy app to ask money back from friends and acquaintances.

Germany's solarisBank wins big bank-backing for EUR56.6 million fund raise

BBVA, Visa, Lakestar and ABN Amro have contributed to a EUR56.6 million funding round in German banking-as-a-service platform solarisBank.

ABN Amro Chooses Wolters Kluwer and SAS for regulatory compliance project

ABN AMRO, the third largest bank in the Netherlands with more than 22,000 employees, has chosen Wolters Kluwer and SAS to provide a truly integrated finance, risk and regulatory reporting software solution.

One-quarter of Europeans ready to try out wearable payments

The overwhelming popularity of contactless cards is peaking shopper interest in new form factors, as fresh research from Mastercard suggests that one-quarter of Europeans expect to start using tap-and-go payments with a smartwatch, bracelet, keyring or other forms of wearable payments.

ABN Amro moves escrow accounts to the blockchain

ABN Amro Clearing services is to offer a blockchain-based alternative to escrow accounts for money-management organisations that need to segregate and lock up client funds during the course of a transaction.

ABN Amro venture arm invests in BehavioSec

ABN Amro's fintech venture fund has participated in a $17.5 million raise for cybersecurity firm BehavioSec.

ABN Amro's Tikkie app reaches two million users

Repayment app Tikkie now has over two million unique users.

ABN Amro pulls out of Payconiq mobile app coalition

As it starts piloting in the Netherlands this week, mobile payments app Payconiq has lost the backing of one of its major bank partners, ABN Amro.

ING, SocGen and ABN Amro run agricultural commodity trade on shared ledger

Having successfully tested the use of blockchain technology in oil trading last year, ABN Amro, ING and SocGen have completed a first agricultural commodity trade using their Easy Trading Connect prototype.

ABN Amro suffers DDOS attack

Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, the website abnamro.nl and iDeal were temporary unavailable due to a ddos-attack.

ABN Amro moves on wearable payments

ABN Amro is inviting 500 of its customers to participate in a live trial of a range of wearable devices - including a ring, watch, bracelet or keyring - for making contactless payments.

Dutch banks develop methodology for measuring carbon footprint of investments and loans

Twelve Dutch banks, insurance companies, asset managers and pension providers have developed a methodology for measuring the carbon footprint of their investments and loans.