Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

380 results about this entity

Period: 18 Oct 2004 - 26 Feb 2025

US regulators win bigger budgets

US financial regulators the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission have been awarded big budget increases by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Machine-readable OTC derivatives contracts move a step closer

Regulatory efforts to introduce more automation in manually-driven over-the-counter derivatives trading have been advanced by the publication of new research into the feasibility of rendering OTC documentation in machine-readable format.

SEC outlines plans to tackle market volatility

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has unveiled plans to ditch circuit breakers in favour of a 'limit up-limit down' mechanism for reducing market volatility.

Schapiro calls for stronger automated trading systems oversight

Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Mary Schapiro is calling for tougher regulation on automated trading systems in a bid to combat the risks of algorithmic-generated volume surges and hacking.

Flash crash panel calls for HFT curbs

High-frequency traders could be charged fees for the disproportionate amount of orders they send under recommendations from a panel set up in the wake of last May's flash crash.

SEC scrutinises social media; Finra to re-examine guidance

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has begun scrutinising how investment advisers use Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools.

CFTC and SEC to increase budgets through user fees

US government plans to almost double the budget of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) by enabling it to collect fees from the firms it regulates have received a mixed reaction from Commissioners.

Axa Rosenberg pays $242m over quant coding cock-up and cover-up

Investment firm Axa Rosenberg has agreed to pay $242 million to settle SEC charges that it covered up a computer code error in its quantitative investment model that cost clients millions of dollars.

FIA calls on lawmakers to rethink clearing house ownership rules

The Futures Industry Association has urged the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission to withdraw or defer acting on rules to limit ownership of clearing houses and swap execution facilities.

European Commissioner takes aim at HFT

European Commissioner for internal markets and services Michel Barnier has vowed to work with US counterparts to increase high-frequency trading regulation, says Reuters.

CFTC calls for cap on stakes in clearing houses and exchanges

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is calling for caps on the ownership stakes members can hold in clearing houses, exchanges and trading systems.

Inter-dealer brokers warn of 'monopolistic' risks in new swap clearing rules

US inter-dealer brokers have called on regulators to ensure fair access to newly-created Swap Execution Facilities as the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission meet to discuss governance and conflicts of interest in the clearing and listing of swaps.