17 results about this entity

Period: 22 Oct 2004 - 19 Aug 2024

Industry groups hit out at FSA best execution proposals

Leading industry lobby groups have criticised proposals from the Financial Services Authority for the use of price benchmarks to demonstrate best execution in OTC and fixed income markets.

MTS delivers Web access to European repo market

European bond trading network MTS is to provide Internet access to its money market facility (MMF) for European repo trading.

ICMA drafts FIX standard for fixed income new issues

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) says it is beginning work on the detail of a draft FIX standard for new issues in the fixed income market.

UK trade associations establish MiFID implementation programme

Four major financial trade associations in the UK have established a joint industry-driven programme to help firms implement the European Union's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

Electronic repo volume matches voice-brokered business

Growth in electronic repo trading accelerated in the six months to June 2004, and now accounts for 24% of total reported business in the EUR4.5 trillion European market, almost equalling the volume that goes through voice-brokers.