17 results about this entity

Period: 22 Oct 2004 - 19 Aug 2024


ICMA publishes GMRA Digital Assets Annex

ICMA is pleased to announce the publication of the Digital Assets Annex, a significant new addition to the Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA).


CMA, ISDB and LSEG publish guidance on green, social and sustainable sukuk

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) today publish new guidance on the issuance of green, social and sustainability sukuk (together, “sustainable sukuk”).


ICMA appoints first fintech head

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has named Georgina Jarratt as its first ever head of fintech and digitalisation in recognition of the growing influence of digital technology on capital markets.


Trade associations put out tender for open source CDM repository

ISDA, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the International Securities Lending Association (ISLA) have announced they are seeking a third-party organization to provide an open-source repository for the Common Domain Model (CDM).

ICMA maps fixed income trading platforms in Europe

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has launched a comparative mapping study of electronic fixed income platforms in Europe.

ICMA reports successful transition to T+2 for European bond trading

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the ICMA European Repo Council (ERC) report that the initial feedback from members and operations working groups indicates that that the transition to settlement at T+2 for the European fixed income markets has been largely successful with few issues.

Risk control to the fore as European repo market recovery gathers pace

The European repo market has bounced back after the financial crisis and is now bigger than in 2007 while risk management is also to the fore with greater use of central clearing counterparties, according to an ICMA survey.

BME/Clearstream OTC repository enters pilot phase with BBVA and Banco Sabadell

Spanish bourse Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) and Clearstream have begun testing their planned European OTC trade repository with the support of local banks BBVA and Banco Sabadell.

Euroclear to acquire Xtrackter

European depository Euroclear is to acquire Xtrakter, the capital markets services division of trade association ICMA.

ICMA to sell off Xtrakter unit

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) is selling off its markets services business Xtrakter, which houses the Trax matching and reporting system.

ICMA to publish post-trade date online

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) is gearing up to launch two new pilot services that will see post-trade information and data on large liquid bond dealings published online.

ICMA appoints Kevin Milne MD of UK tech subsidiary

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has appointed Kevin Milne as managing director of its UK subsidiary, which is responsible for operating technology products and services.