Commodity Futures Trading Commission

123 results about this entity

Period: 02 Oct 2008 - 29 Aug 2024

Financial standards lost in translation

Andrei Kirilenko, professor of the practice of finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management and former chief economist at the CFTC, explains how to bridge the gap between regulation and implementation and how to bring stakeholders in financial standards together.

CFTC must improve data quality - O'Malia

Commissioner O'Malia talks about how the CFTC needs to move into the 20th century and use tech to crunch the big data questions. He also call for international agreement on sharing of swaps data and cooperation on tackling data quality.

O'Malia slams CFTC over tech investment

Commodity Futures Trading Commission commissioner Scott O'Malia has slammed his own organisation for spending money on people, rather than technology.

US regulator proposes further curbs on high-speed trading

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission is seeking public comment on further proposals to curb high-speed derivatives trading.

CME Group told to improve surveillance

CME Group's procedures for monitoring Exchange for Related Position (EFRP) transactions are "inadequate" and should be beefed up quickly, says the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,

Regulators begin HFT crack down on market spoofing algorithms

Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic have levelled their first fines against high frequency traders who deployed computer algorithms to spoof the markets by placing and immediately cancelling bids and offers in futures contracts.

Bloomberg sues CFTC over swaps margin rule

Bloomberg has filed a lawsuit against a US derivatives regulator over new margin rules that differentiate between swaps and futures.

Ex-Goldman trader pleads guilty to wire fraud

A former Goldman Sachs trader has pleaded guilty to fabricating trades on a manual system to hide an unauthorised $8.3 billion futures bet.

CFTC computers crashing under weight of new swaps data

New swaps data reporting rules have left the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) floundering in a sea of data, its computers crashing under the strain, claims one of the watchdog's own commissioners.

CME to challenge CFTC suit over information leak

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is suing CME-owned trading venue the New York Mercantile Exchange and two former employees for passing on confidential customer trading data to an outside broker.

DTCC ponders legal action over swaps trade data rules

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is threatening to sue a US regulator over how rival CME Group is being allowed to handle derivatives trading data.

Goldman Sachs fined $1.5m over supervision failures

Goldman Sachs has been fined $1.5 million by US regulators for failing to supervise a trader who bypassed internal systems to conceal an $8.3 billion position from the bank and defraud it of $118 million.