UK Finance

147 results about this entity

Period: 02 Jan 2002 - 18 Oct 2024


UK Finance expresses fears over FCA Consumer Duty proposals

Banking industry body UK Finance has raised serious misgivings about the FCA's plans to impose a new 'Customer Duty' on financial firms with the intention of ensuring a more consistent standard of consumer protection for users of financial services.


UK Finance explores future strategy for Open Banking payments

UK Finance brought the payments industry together to consider the future opportunity for open banking payments and how the market could collaboratively shape that future.


Variable recurring payments hackathon winners named

Open Future World, Ozone API and UK Finance are delighted to announce the winners of the world’s first variable recurring payments hackathon.

Criminals behind £217K scam jailed for total of 55 months

Two criminals from London have been sentenced at Inner London Crown Court after pleading guilty to conspiring together to commit £217,000 of fraud.


APP fraud losses overtake card crime in H1 2021

Losses to authorised push payments fraud topped card fraud for the first time in H1 2021, acccording to new figures from UK Finance.


UK banking industry-funded police unit prevents £85m of fraud

A specialist police unit which targets the organised criminal gangs behind fraud prevented a further £85 million from being stolen in the first half of this year.


Crypto firm Gemini supports UK's Take Five to Stop fraud campaign

Today, we are proud to announce that Gemini has joined the Take Five Charter in the UK alongside other leading financial institutions, banks, and fintechs.


UK Finance reports on the financial crime risks from crypt assets

UK Finance, in conjunction with financial crime compliance firm Plenitude, has today released a report looking at the financial crime risk posed by cryptoassets and how to manage it appropriately.


Top tech companies pledge £1 million to UK anti-fraud campaign

Major technology companies, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft and TikTok have pledged £1 million to an anti-fraud campaign in the UK


Too polite to say no: Losses from impersonation scams more than double in H1

The public is being warned about a sharp increase in fraudulent calls, texts and emails as new figures from UK Finance show the number of impersonation scam cases more than doubled in the first half of 2021 to 33,115.


Charities suffer as UK public hoards loose change

Figures from UK Finance show that the British public are sitting on piles of loose change worth an estimated £50 million.


Open Banking variable recurring payments hackathon open for applications

Leading brands in the world of open banking today announced an important new open banking challenge: The VRP Hackathon.