
196 results about this entity

Period: 12 Oct 2004 - 17 Apr 2024

Mobile is in demand; can banks deliver?

Paul Stoddart, managing director of strategy and business development at VocaLink describes the shifting demands of consumers in the digital age.

UK banks get behind m-payments service ahead of 2014 launch

The UK banking sector is gearing up for the introduction of an industry-wide mobile payments service next spring, with eight major institutions committed to the launch.

VocaLink reportedly sounding out investors for new mobile bill service

The UK's VocaLink is seeking funding to create a new company that will focus on the development of technology for mobile-enabled electronic bill presentment and payment services for utilities and small businesses, according to Sky News.

Payments innovation across the globe

A.P. Hota, managing director and CEO of the National Payments Corporation of India, Alice Zanza, senior payments specialist the World Bank, Ian Hooper payments lead for Asia Pacific at Accenture and David Yates, CEO of Vocalink discuss innovation in payments across the globe.

Faster Payments Down Under

Kris Kubiena, proposition delivery director at Vocalink talks about the payments infrastructure review in Australia and the global march of immediate payments.

VocaLink partners BCSIS on Immediate Payments in Singapore

VocaLink has teamed up with Singapore's BCSIS to roll out its Immediate Payments technology at the banks in the Asian country.

The payments industry in 2012 and beyond

David Yates, CEO of VocaLink gives us some insight on the UK mobile payments database and how payments will evolve in the future.

RBA sets up real-time payments team

The Reserve Bank of Australia has set up a project team to explore the creation of a central payments hub for real-time bank account transfers.

Fintech start-ups urged to pitch for London innovation programme

Financial technology entrepreneurs are being asked to pitch their ideas for a London-based programme that will see them get assistance and advice from executives at major banks and venture capital companies.

VocaLink, First Data and Accenture pitch Aussie real-time payments system

VocaLink, First Data and Accenture are planning to build a system similar to the UK's Faster Payments service in Australia, enabling consumers and businesses to transfer funds between bank accounts in near real-time.

The future of payments

David Yates, the new CEO of VocaLink sits down with Finextra to look at the future of payments.

VocaLink to maintain UK database of mobile numbers for bank payments platform

The UK Payments Council has commissioned VocaLink to build a central database that will allow bank customers to link their mobile phone number to their account for person-to-person mobile payments.